Managing Zoom Meetings passcodes
Meetings can require passcodes for an added layer of security. Passcodes can be set at the individual meeting level or can be enabled at the user, group, or account level for all meetings. This will require participants to enter a passcode before they join a meeting. Account owners and admins can also lock passcode settings, to require passcodes for all meetings on their account, and they can configure minimum passcode requirements.
If you would like to enforce any of the meeting passcode settings for all users on your account or a group of users, you will need to lock the setting after enabling it. If a setting is enabled but not locked, users can still disable the setting in their personal settings.
These settings are available for passcodes:
- Require a passcode when scheduling new meetings
- (Optional) Require a passcode for meetings which have already been scheduled
- Require a passcode for instant meetings
- Require a passcode for Personal Meeting ID (PMI)
Note: You can choose to require a passcode for:
- Only PMI meetings with Join Before Host enabled
- All PMI meetings
- Embed passcode in invite link for one-click join
- Require passcode for participants joining by phone
Additionally, there is a setting for Zoom Rooms, Bypass the passcode when joining meetings from meeting list. This allows the room to join a meeting from the meeting list, without needing to manually enter the meeting passcode. The passcode needs to be included in the meeting invitation sent to the room's calendar.
- Since September 2022, Zoom requires that all meetings have a passcode or a Waiting Room enabled for accounts with a single licensed user, Pro accounts with 2 or more licenses, and Business accounts with 10-100 licenses. Meeting passwords (passcodes) are already enforced for all free accounts.
- If your meeting includes phone and/or room systems participants, the invite will include a numeric number for alphanumeric passcodes for them to dial in.
- Enabling the Require a passcode when scheduling new meetings setting will not have an effect on any already scheduled meetings and PMI meetings, except for recurring meetings with the no fixed time recurrence pattern. Since No Fixed Time meetings are essentially placeholders for a provided meeting ID, they are not actually scheduled for a particular date and time. When the host starts a No Fixed Time meeting, it is instantly scheduled and started, causing it to be caught by the passcode requirement. As such, it is advised to edit the no fixed time meeting, set a passcode, and share it with invitees before the next anticipated meeting, in order to avoid any disruption and confusion.
Requirements for managing Zoom Meetings passcodes
- Account owner or admin privileges to require passcodes for all meetings on your account
- Basic, Pro, Business, Enterprise, or Education account
How to enable passcode settings for Zoom Meetings
To enable passcode settings for all users in the account:
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
- In the navigation menu, click Account Management then Account Settings.
- Under Security, verify that the passcode settings that you would like to use for your account are enabled.
If the setting is disabled, click the toggle to enable it. If a verification dialog displays, click Enable to verify the change. - (Optional) If you want to make this setting mandatory for all users in your account, click the lock icon, and then click Lock to confirm the setting. If this setting is not locked, users can disable it in their personal settings.
To enable passcode settings for a group of users:
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
- In the navigation menu, click User Management then Groups.
- Click the applicable group name from the list.
- Click the Meeting tab.
- In the Security section, verify that the passcode settings you would like to use for this group are enabled.
If the setting is disabled, click the toggle to enable it. If a verification dialog displays, click Enable to verify the change. - (Optional) If you want to make this setting mandatory for all users in this group, click the lock icon
, and then click Lock to confirm the setting. If this setting is not locked, users can disable it in their personal settings.
To enable passcode settings for your own use:
- Sign into the Zoom web portal.
- In the navigation menu, click Settings.
- Click the Meeting tab.
- Under Security, verify that the passcode settings that you want to use for your meetings are enabled.
If the setting is disabled, click the toggle to enable it. If a verification dialog displays, click Enable to verify the change.
Note: If the option is grayed out, it has been locked at either the Group or Account level, and you will need to contact your Zoom administrator.
How to set passcode complexity requirements in account settings
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
- In the navigation panel, click Account Management then Account Settings.
- Under Security, locate Passcode Requirement.
- Select the passcode requirements that you want to enable for your account.
How to edit a passcode for a scheduled meeting
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- In the navigation menu, click Meetings.
- Click the topic of the meeting you would like to update the passcode for.
- Click Edit.
- In the Security section, ensure that the Passcode checkbox is selected, then edit the passcode.
You can also enable Waiting Room and Require authentication to join. - Click Save.
How to edit the passcode for your Personal Meeting ID (PMI)
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- In the navigation menu, click Meetings.
- Click the Personal Room tab.
- Click Edit.
- In the Security section, ensure that the Passcode checkbox is selected, then edit the passcode.
Note: You can also enable Waiting Room and Require authentication to join. - Click Save.