Changing Visitor Location Management web portal settings

Admin-level and location settings on the admin Visitor Management web portal allow account owners and admins to change settings for users at different levels. You can also lock settings on or off to prevent users from changing them.

Account owners and admins can use the Visitor Management section on the Zoom web portal to change their Visitor Management settings in one place.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for changing Visitor Management web portal settings

How to access Visitor Management web portal settings

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Workspaces Management then Visitor Management.
  3. Use location hierarchy to access the hierarchy level you want to enable this setting for (country/region, state, city, campus, building, or floor).
  4. Click Settings for that location (Country/Region Settings, State Settings, City Settings, Campus SettingsBuilding Settings, or Floor Settings) to enable it for the location.
    You can also click Account Settings to change the setting for the entire account.
  5. Find the setting that you want to change.

Understand the Invitation Settings web portal settings




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Understand the User Access web portal settings
