Using Thread Summary for Team Chat

Getting a lot of chat messages daily can be time-consuming to read. Team Chat Thread Summary with Zoom AI Companion offers a solution by leveraging AI technology, which may include third-party models, to condense chat discussions and summarize messages in a thread. You'll find the Thread Summary option in the message options menu, but if you don’t see the icon, contact your admin to enable it.

Additionally, you can have AI Companion compose chat messages based on the conversation and customize their tone and length.

Learn more about other Zoom AI Companion features and how Zoom AI Companion features handle your data.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for using Thread Summary for Team Chat

Note: On an interim basis, using Team Chat Thread Summary with AI Companion requires being a Licensed user on these account types.

Limitations of AI Companion

How to summarize a chat thread using Thread Summary 

  1. Sign in to the desktop client.
  2. Click the Team Chat tab  .
  3. Next to the chat thread you want to summarize, click the ellipsis icon  .
    Additional options for this chat thread will appear.
  4. Click Summarize with AI Companion.
    The chat thread summary will appear.
  5. (Optional) Click Copy to copy the summarized content.
  6. (Optional) Click View original messages to redirect and highlight the chat thread you summarized.
  7. (Optional) Click the upvote icon or downvote icon to provide feedback on the summarized content.