Managing the recurring sessions Event Detail Page tab

The Event Detail Page tab in the recurring sessions event setup is where you can add the event's title and description. You can also select your event's category, allow your event to be shared, and customize content.

Learn more about creating a recurring sessions event.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for managing the Event Detail Page tab for recurring sessions events

How to access the Event Detail Page tab

  1. Create a recurring sessions event.
    You can also edit an upcoming event to access event setup.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Registration & Join, then click Event Detail Page.

How to manage the Event Detail Page tab

Manage the Content section

  1. Access the Event Detail Page tab in the event setup flow.
  2. Under Content, add information to your recurring sessions event’s detail page:
  3. Click Save.

Manage the Settings section

  1. Access the Event Detail Page tab in the event setup flow. 
  2. (Optional) Under Settings, click the Allow event to be shared toggle to enable or disable it.
    Enabling this feature will provide the Share button for attendees from the event detail page. Disabling this will remove the Share button on the event detail page. 
  3. Click Save.

How to manage the Content Configuration tab

The event detail page is divided into distinct sections, each offering you the ability to customize your content. Explore the sections below.


Session Visibility

Show all sessions, specific ones, or none in the agenda. These sessions will be shown under the Sessions tab. Each session's title, date, and time are displayed, distinguishing the event's unique sessions.

  1. Access the Event Detail Page tab.
  2. Click the Content Configuration tab.
  3. Under Session Visibility, click Edit Session Visibility
    A panel will appear.
  4. In the panel, edit visibility and presentation by selecting from the following options:
  5. Click Save.


Speaker Visibility

Show all speakers, no speakers, or specific speakers. These speakers will be shown under the Speakers tab.

  1. Access the Event Detail Page tab.
  2. Click the Content Configuration tab.
  3. Under Speaker Visibility, click Edit Speaker Visibility
    A panel will appear.
  4. In the Edit Speakers Visibility panel, select from the following options:
  5. Click Save.

Featured Speakers

Feature specific speakers on the event detail page. These speakers will be placed under the Speakers tab.

  1. Access the Event Detail Page tab.
  2. Click the Content Configuration tab.
  3. Under Featured Speakers, click Edit Featured Speakers
    A panel will appear.
  4. In the Edit Featured Speakers panel, select from the following options:
  5. Click Save.