Getting started with Zoom Notes

Notes for Zoom provides customers with a dedicated, built-in note-taking app, which allows users to quickly capture thoughts, action items, and more from within a Zoom Meeting. In addition, Notes can be used collaboratively with other participants in a meeting, as well as shared with other users outside of meetings. 

For a more detailed walkthrough, see our guides on Zoom Notes features. Administrators who need to enable Zoom Notes for their account can consult our Zoom Notes administrator guide.

Supported languages include:

This article covers:

Prerequisites for using Zoom Notes

Limitations for using Zoom Notes 

How to create a new note

Creating a note during a meeting

  1. Start a meeting from the Zoom desktop client. 
  2. On the in-meeting controls, click the Notes button .
  3. At the top right, click New.

Creating a note in the Zoom desktop client

  1. Sign in to the Zoom desktop client. 
  2. Click the Notes button .
  3. At the top right, click + New to create a new note.

Creating a note in the Zoom web portal

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal
  2. Click Notes.
  3. At the top right, click + New to create a new note.

How to use the Notes tools

When editing a note, the editing tools are located at the top of the document window. These tools include text formatting and image insertion.

Available formatting tools

Keyboard shortcuts available for Notes

Use the following keyboard shortcuts and controls to activate actions in notes. These shortcuts can also be found by clicking  Help in Notes menu. 

For other keyboard shortcuts available on the Zoom desktop client and mobile app, refer to the hot keys and keyboard shortcuts article


  • Command(⌘)+X: Cut selected text.
  • Command(⌘)+C: Copy selected text.
  • Command(⌘)+V: Paste copied or cut text. 
  • Command(⌘)+A: Select all text in the note.


  • Command(⌘)+Z: Undo text change.
  • Command(⌘)+Y or Command(⌘)+Shift+Z: Redo undone text changes.


  • Command(⌘)+B: Bold text.
  • Command(⌘)+I: Italicize text.
  • Command(⌘)+U: Underline text.
  • Command(⌘)+K: Add a hyperlink to the selected text.


  • Command(⌘)+R: Reload a note.
  • Command(⌘)+F: Find text within a note.


  • Ctrl+X: Cut selected text.
  • Ctrl+C: Copy selected text.
  • Ctrl+V: Paste copied or cut text. 
  • Ctrl+A: Select all text in the note.


  • Ctrl+Z: Undo text change.
  • Ctrl+Y or Ctrl+Shift+Z: Redo undone text changes.


  • Ctrl+B: Bold text.
  • Ctrl+I: Italicize text.
  • Ctrl+U: Underline text.
  • Ctrl+K: Add a hyperlink to the selected text.


  • Ctrl+R: Reload a note.
  • Ctrl+F: Find text within a note.

How to rename a note

  1. Create or open a note.
  2. At the top left of the note page, click the note title to rename it.
    The new display name will take effect immediately.

Note: To edit the name of a note, you need to have owner or co-owner access

How to share a note

  1. Create or open a note.
  2. At the top right of the notes page, click Share.
  3. Enter the email address or name of the contact, or the channel you would like to share the note with and set their permissions.
  4. (Optional) Under Invite Message, enter a message that will be sent to the collaborators. 
  5. Click Share Note.

Learn more about sharing a note inside and outside of Zoom meetings.

How to delete a note

  1. Open a note.
  2. At the top right of the note page, click the More button .
  3. Select Move to Trash.

Learn more about deleting and recovering a note.

How to manage notes

Notes that you have created as well as notes shared with you can be managed from the Notes Dashboard within the Zoom Desktop client or from the Zoom Web Portal. From the Notes Dashboard, notes can be edited, deleted, shared, duplicated, starred, and/or locked, depending on your level of access or ownership of the note. In addition, the control permissions for the note can be modified as well.