Marketing | Preference center allows users to set their email marketing preferences. Data will include information such as user ID and email address. | ZmwebEuruniGdpr |
ZmwebCustomersOutsideSubscribeStatus |
ZmwebCustomersSubscribeAuditTrail |
ZmwebCustomersSubscribeStatus |
Meetings & Webinars | Contains meeting and webinar information such as attendee information, and meeting information such as meeting ID and quality of service. | Audiocall |
GwStatisticsshow |
LogParticipant |
LogImmetric |
LogConference |
LogSignInwardsOff |
LogUserdetail |
OfQa |
ZmwebExtensionPlotting |
ZmwebI.MUsage |
ZmwebLogSignS.N.SInwards |
ZmwebConferenceE.X.THistoryV2 |
ZmwebConferenceHistory |
ZmwebConferenceHistoryBygroup |
ZmwebConferenceHistoryByuser |
ZmwebConferenceSurvey |
ZmwebConferenceSurveyReply |
ZmwebConferenceCustomersRelationships |
ZmwebPollingParticular |
ZmwebPollingConfiguration |
ZmwebPresenceHistory |
ZmwebSignInIndex |
ZmwebS.S.OTrackingMessages |
ZmwebTelephoneIvr |
ZmwebCustomersDisclaimerHistory |
ZmwebVdiClientSignInwardsInformation |
ZmwebWebinarHistory |
ZOOMConferenceReaction |
ZOOMConferenceListingDetailStudy |
ZOOMConferenceRegistrationHistory |
ZOOMConferenceStudy |
ZOOMRemoteSessions |
ZOOMConferenceHappenCustomers |
ZOOMWebinarE.X.T |
ZOOMWebinarCustomers |
Instant messaging service. Data will include information such as user ID and name. | ZmwebCustomersIncreaseChannelsAsking |
ZmwebCustomersPersonalContact |
ZOOMTenantS.I.PTelephone |
ZOOMAgentsCustomers |
ZOOMTelephone |
Join meeting requests which includes information such as meeting ID and attendee names. | ZmwebFreshConferenceTelephoneIDs |
ZmwebRosterParticipantInformation |
ZmwebRosterConferenceInformation |
ZOOMAgentZ.CBlack&White |
Contains data such as instant meeting, scheduled meeting and personal meeting ID. | ZmwebConferenceCalendarIncidentIntrash |
ZmwebConferenceCalendarHuman |
ZmwebConferenceE.X.TIntrash |
ZmwebConferenceIntrash |
ZmwebConferenceResources |
ZmwebConferenceResourcesRecords |
ZmwebMtgTemplate |
ZmwebMtgTemplateE.X.T |
ZmwebMtgTemplateInformation |
ZmwebMtgTemplatePolling |
ZmwebPollingIntrash |
ZmwebRegistrationCustomersIntrash |
ZmwebWebinarE.X.T |
ZmwebWebinarIntrash |
ZmwebWebinarCustomers |
ZmwebConferenceMailTemplateIntrash |
ZmwebSpeakerIntrash |
ZOOMConference |
ZOOMConferenceE.X.T |
ZOOMConferenceHappen |
ZOOMConferenceHappenCustomers |
ZOOMConferencePolling |
ZOOMConferencePollingInquiry |
ZOOMPolling |
ZOOMPollingParticular |
ZOOMPollingInquiry |
ZOOMSpeaker |
ZOOMTemplate |
ZOOMTemplateMail |
ZOOMTemplateE.X.T |
ZOOMTemplateInformation |
ZOOMTemplatePolling |
ZOOMCustomersPolling |
ZOOMCustomersPollingConference |
ZOOMCustomersPollingInquiry |
ZOOMWebinarMail |
ZOOMWebinarPslScene |
ZOOMWebinarPslSceneE.X.T |
ZOOMWebinarCustomers |
Contains data related to meeting recording services such as cloud recordings and archiving. Data will include information such as meeting ID, file ID and video duration. | ZmwebCmrArchiveFiles |
ZmwebCmrArchiveConference |
ZmwebCmrRecordingFilesAccessesCount |
ZmwebCmrRecordingConferenceAccessesCount |
ZmwebCmrRecordingConferenceAccessesDailyCount |
ZmwebCmrRecordingConferenceAccessesParticular |
ZmwebCmrRecordingPortionTOsCustomers |
ZmwebCmrRecordingFiles |
ZmwebCmrRecordingFilesExt2 |
ZmwebCmrRecordingFilesTrim |
ZmwebCmrRecordingConference |
ZmwebCmrRecordingConferenceE.X.T |
ZmwebCmrRecordingConferenceExt2 |
ZmwebCmrRegistrants |
ZOOMRecordingLocal |
Information for dialing into meetings including phone number and meeting number. | ZOOM-PAC-D.I.D |
Whiteboard | Data related to Zoom Whiteboards including sharing, comments and document information such as open or delete a Whiteboard. | WB_DYCustomerWBCountReport |
WB_DYPaginationComments |
WB_DYPaginationCommentReplies |
WB_DYPaginationMetadataV2 |
WB_DYCustomersIndices |
WB_Docs |
WB_DocChannelsCollaborators |
WB_DocCollaborators |
WB_DocDbZone |
WB_HistoryDoc |
WB_DocLayerConfiguration |
WB_DocPaginationVer |
WB_DocShareConfiguration |
WB_DocVer |
WB_ConferenceShareConfiguration |
WB_PrototypeCollaborators |
WB_PrototypeDbZone |
WB_PrototypeShareConfiguration |
WB_PrototypeTag |
WB_CustomerColour |
WB_CustomersConfiguration |
WB_CustomersPrototype |
Zoom Core | Enables Zoom to correctly route requests such as a user login to specific regional infrastructure to address data residency requirements. Data will include information such as user ID. | ZmlookupopAuditLog |
Migration-related information when a user or account is moved to a different regional infrastructure to address data residency needs. Data will include information such as user ID as well as migration start and end time. | Mig Projection |
Information related to user and account settings including user names, email address and billing address. | ZmwebCustomersBookmarks |
ZmwebCustomersAlterMailAuditLog |
ZmwebCustomersAlterMailHistory |
ZmwebCustomersLoginCountriesRecords |
ZmwebCustomersPasswordHistory |
ZmwebCustomersProfile |
ZmwebCustomersSnsmap |
ZOOMTenant |
ZOOMTenantHistory |
ZOOMOutsideTenantDeal |
ZOOMOutsideCustomersInvititaiton |
ZOOMOutsideCustomersModel |
ZOOMGroupingConferenceTemplate |
ZOOMConferenceClientVirtualBackgrounds |
ZOOMSquadPerson |
ZOOMSquadManager |
ZOOMTempCustomers |
ZOOMCustomers |
ZOOMUsergroupsAdministration |
ZOOMUserProfile |
ZOOMUserProfileE.X.T |
ZOOMUserProfileExt2 |
ZOOMUserProfileExtension3 |
ZOOMUserProfileHistory |
ZOOMUserProfileOptions |
ZOOMUsersn |
ZOOMUsersnHistory |
ZOOMCustomersBundles |
ZOOMCustomersBringYourOwnKeyWhitelists |
ZOOMCustomersCompromiseds |
ZOOMCustomersEmailTemplate |
ZOOMCustomersHistory |
ZOOMCustomersConferenceTemplate |
ZOOMCustomersModel |
ZOOMCustomersModelProduction |
ZOOMCustomersTokens |
User's contact lists which are used across different Zoom products such as Team Chat and Meetings. Data will include information such as name, phone number and email address. | U.C.SGroupingPerson |
U.C.SGroupingProfile |
U.C.SGroupingConfiguration |
U.C.SCustomers |
U.C.SCustomersExpand |
Zoom internal tooling to support customer troubleshooting and will contain information such as search parameter. | ZmwebOpAuditLog |
Zoom Revenue Accelerator | Zoom Revenue Accelerator helps users enhance productivity, shorten deal cycles and improve revenue predictability by providing actionable insights directly from their Zoom Meetings and Zoom Phone customer interactions. Data will include information such as meeting ID, recording information and user ID. | IQopLog |
Zoom Rooms | Calendar information for Zoom Rooms which will include meeting information such as start and end times, attendees and host. | ZOOMCalsAgentsTokens |
ZOOMCalsIncidentElementNormal |
ZOOMCalsIncidentElementHappen |
ZOOMCalsSimpleIncidentElement |
ZmCalendarResources |
ZmCalendarResourcesExt |
ZmCalendarService |
ZmCalendarServiceExt |
ZmCalExternalResourcesTicker |
ZmCalGroupingSubscription |
ZmCalResources |
ZmCalResourcesGrouping |
ZmCalResourcesGroupingSetting |
ZmCalResourcesMapping |
ZmCalResourcesSetting |
ZmCalResourcesStatus |
ZmCalService |
ZmCalServiceTenant |
ZmCalServiceSetting |
ZmCalServiceStatus |
ZmCalTaskTape |
Information related to Zoom Rooms such as room name, device ID and account ID. | ZmwebMimoE.X.T |
ZmwebZrClientDevice |
ZmwebZrClientSettings |
ZmwebZrDevice |
ZmwebZrFavorite |
ZmwebZrZR |
ZmwebZrZRTemplate |
ZmwebZrVirtualReceptionist |
ZOOMClientDevice |
ZOOMClientSettings |
ZOOMD.SContents |
ZOOMD.SListOfContents |
ZOOMD.SConfiguration |
ZOOMD.STools |
ZOOMMimo |
ZOOMMimoPositiveCodes |
ZOOMMimoPositionAdministration |
ZOOMMimoSecuritiesKeys |
ZOOMMimoStatusE.X.T |
Backend services to sync Zoom Room information to/from the Zoom Cloud such as account ID and device ID. | ZmZrcoreCeConnectSession |
ZmZrcoreDeskSuggestTape |
ZmZrcoreFrontendDeskConnectSession |
ZmZrcoreImportRoomStatus |
ZmZrcoreTaskDefinition |
ZmZrcoreTaskInstance |
ZOOMZR-CoreVisitorRecords |
ZR-COLabelPlotting |
ZR-COPositionMapsRooms |
ZrcoMediaContent |
ZR-COFormComponent |
ZrcoRoom |
ZrcoRoomExt |
ZR-COZRPositionAdministration |
Zoom Rooms device management which will include information such as device name, device model and account ID. | RoomsZrDevice |
ZrDevicePositiveLog |
I.MDeviceMeshConferenceEnroll |
I.MDeviceMeshNodesConference |
I.MDeviceMeshNodesConferenceAggregate |
Z.D.MDeviceLog |
ZOOMUnifiedDeviceE.X.T |
ZOOMZ.D.MApplication |
ZOOMZ.D.MAssignsInformation |
ZOOMZ.D.MI.MDevice |
ZOOMZ.D.MCustomersInformation |