Adding a unique session to recurring sessions events

In the Sessions tab of the recurring sessions event setup, all created sessions are listed on the page and hosts can edit event-level content (i.e., name, description, etc.). Hosts can add a new occurrence and delete past occurrences. Hosts can also create a meeting or webinar series with unique sessions. This includes having unique titles, descriptions, speakers, and so on for each session.

For the unique sessions, hosts can customize their sessions' appearance in the In-Session Branding tab. They can also manage and add information to the Polls/Quizzes, Interpreters, and Session Control tabs.

Learn more about creating a recurring sessions event and managing the Sessions tab in Zoom Sessions.

Requirements for adding a unique session to a recurring sessions event

Table of Contents

How to access the Sessions tab for recurring sessions events

  1. Create a Zoom Sessions event or edit an upcoming event to access event setup.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Event Content then click Sessions.

How to add one session to a recurring series event

  1. Access the Sessions tab in the event creation setup.
  2. In the top-right corner, click Add a Session.
    A panel will appear.
  3. In the panel, complete information in the session's Basic Info, More Controls, Polls/Quizzes, Interpreter, and In-session Branding tabs.

Basic Info tab

Session Info

  1. Under the Basic Info tab, in the Session info section, add the following information:
    • Title: The name/title of the session.
    • Session Starts: Enter the session's start date and time.
      • Click the time to select the start time from a dropdown menu. Double-click the time to enter a custom start time.
        Note: When a host creates an event across multiple time zones, the host will be able to create sessions that go beyond 11:59 PM to accommodate for time differences.
    • Duration: Use the dropdown menu(s) to select the session's duration.
    • (Optional) Preview Time Zone: By default, Zoom Events will use your computer's time zone. Click the dropdown menu and select a time zone to see what time the session will start in the selected time zone.
    • Session Type: Select if this event will be a Webinar or Meeting session type.
      Note: The same session type is applied to all sessions. To change this, select Edit All Sessions.
      • If you selected Webinar, under select the Webinar Type:
        • Select Live to create a regular webinar session where you can share information.
        • Select Simulive to share pre-recorded content or upload a recording as the session. You can only access videos that belong to the hub; the videos can be existing cloud recordings created by the hub or a newly uploaded recording. 
          • To upload a Simulive recording:
            Note: This feature must be enabled by Zoom. For additional questions, contact Zoom Support to discuss whether this feature is available for your account.
            1. Click + Add Recording.
            2. Choose a previously recorded webinar or meeting for Simulive.
              Note: The maximum recording size is 2GB. The video can be in .mov, .mp4, .avi, .wmv, or H.264 format.
            3. Click Save.
              The recording will appear in the Basic Info tab. Uploaded recordings will also appear in your recording list on the Zoom web portal.
            4. (Optional) In the Basic Info tab, hover your mouse over the recording and click the pencil icon to select another recording.
            5. (Optional) In the Basic Info tab, hover your mouse over the recording and click the trash icon to remove the recording.
    • Captions: Under Captions, click Edit. You will be directed to the Captions tab.
    • Session Image: Hover your mouse over the session image and click the pencil icon  to add the session image.
      • To add custom alternative text: 
        1. Under Session Image, click Add description to add custom alternative text. This description will make it easier for everyone to access and understand the images uploaded.
        2. In the Image description box, add a description of your image.
        3. Click Save.
      • Notes:
        • Use JPG/JPEG/PNG files only. The recommended image dimensions are 1920x1080 pixels. The maximum image size is 10MB.
        • Event creators can manually resize all uploaded images to fit into the image window as well as search for an image to upload. Additionally, resizing images is possible after image uploads.
    • About This Session: Provide a description about this session. You can personalize your event through branding elements, using the rich text editor for description fields in the event creation flow.
  2. Click Save.

Speaker & Alternative Hosts

  1. Under the Basic Info tab, in the Speaker & Alternative Host section, add the following information: 
    • Speakers: Control each speaker’s access using the in-session options:
      Note: Hosts can be assigned as a speaker, granting themselves additional functionality, to the sessions at their event. When the host assigns themselves as a speaker, the Alternative Host checkbox will no longer be available for the hosts (grey out) at the session level.
      • Displayed Speaker: Select this checkbox if you want a speaker to appear on the session details page. If this check box remains unchecked, the speaker will not appear on the session details page but will still be visible on the lobby’s People tab.
        Note: If a speaker is hidden at the event level, they will have a (Hidden) label appear by their name and the Displayed Speaker check box will not be available.
      • Alternative Host: The host or co-host with permission can choose to enable or disable a speaker's alternative host access on a per-session basis. Additionally, alternative hosts can start a session, without being part of the speaker list for the event, and have the same in-session permission as the host. This role is available for both meeting and webinar sessions.
        • This option is automatically selected by default.
        • Each session is required to have one assigned person with alternative host access.
        • *For meeting sessions, there is no In-Session Role column. The Alternative Host column is available. Additionally, for meeting sessions, the Alternative Host role is only available; you will only have the option to select or deselect this checkbox.
        • If speakers are not assigned as an alternative host:
          • Webinar speakers will automatically be granted panelist access to the session.
          • Meeting speakers will keep the same behavior as before and have attendee access.
      • Panelist: Panelists can mute/unmute themselves, start/stop their video, and view and respond to all Q&A. This role is only available for webinar sessions.
      • Attendee: Speaker(s) can join meeting sessions as an attendee; if you do not select the Alternative Host checkbox, then the speaker will only have attendee permissions.
      • First speaker: An orange star will appear on the first speaker listed in session details, and they will also appear on the session card along with their session name and image.
      • Reorder speakers: To the left of a speaker, click and hold down on the six dots icon, then move the speaker to your desired location.
      • Delete speakers: To the right of the speaker row, click the trash icon  to delete a speaker.
      • If no speakers have been added, click + Add Speaker.
    • Alternative Hosts: Enter email addresses to assign alternative host permissions to users. Alternative hosts for sessions can start the session associated with them on the host’s behalf; an Alternative Host ticket will be auto-assigned to alternative hosts.
      Note: Once you remove an alternative host, alternative host permissions will be removed for this user. The alternative host will not receive an email or notification about being removed from the event.
  2. Click Save.

Downloadable material in the lobby

  1. Under the Basic Info tab, in the Downloadable material in the lobby section, add the following information:  
    • Downloadable material in the session detail page: Drag and drop files into the downloadable material box or click Choose Files to include a PDF for the audience to download. This file will appear on the session detail page.
      • PDF files are only accepted. The maximum file size is 15 MB, up to 5 files.
      • Once an event is underway or has ended, hosts can still upload downloadable material to the event details page and lobby, as well as remove existing materials from these sections.
  2. Click Save.

Session Controls

  1. Under the Basic Info tab, in the Session Controls section, add the following information: 
    • Session Controls: Control your session's visibility across your event.
      • Event Detail Page: Click the following toggles to enable or disable them:
      • Lobby: Click the following toggles to enable or disable them:
        • Visible in Lobby: When enabled, this session will be visible in the event lobby.
        • Click Edit Lobby configuration to further control lobby visibility
    • Breakout Room pre-assign: Create meeting breakout rooms and assign attendees to rooms prior to the start of the session. Pre-assign participants to a breakout room by creating rooms or importing from a CSV file. Learn more about pre-assigning participants to a breakout room.
      Note: This is for meeting session types only.
  2. Click Save.

More Controls

  1. Under the More Controls tab, complete the following information:
    • Meeting - Q&A: Click the toggle to enable or disable it.
      The Q&A settings configured are for the default settings when you start the meeting session. You can change the settings in the meeting session. Select the sub-options that you want to enable or disable:
      • Attendees can submit questions
        • Allow anonymous questions
      • Allow attendees to view
        • answered questions only
        • all questions
    • Webinar - Q&A: Click the toggle to enable or disable it.
      The Q&A settings configured are for the default settings when you start the webinar. You can change the settings in the webinar. Select the sub-options that you want to enable or disable:
      • Attendees can submit questions
        • Allow anonymous questions
      • Allow attendees to view
        • answered questions only
        • all questions
    • Custom Livestreaming Service: If enabled by the account admin, you can configure custom livestreaming service settings at the session level.
      Note: This feature will be unavailable if it’s disabled and locked by a Zoom account admin.
      1. By Custom Livestreaming Service, click Configure Livestreaming.
        A Configure Custom Streaming Service pop-up window will appear.
      2. In the pop-up window, enter information for:
        • Stream URL: Enter the streaming URL.
        • Stream Key: Enter the streaming key.
        • Livestreaming page URL: Enter a livestreaming page URL.
          : Anyone using this link can watch the livestream of the meeting.
      3. (Optional) Select the following checkboxes:
        • Custom streaming service requires authentication to broadcast
        • Configure livestream during the meeting
      4. Click Save.
        Your settings will appear in the More Controls tab.
      5. (Optional) Click Edit to edit your custom livestreaming service settings.
      6. (Optional) Click Delete to delete your custom livestreaming service settings. If a verification dialog appears, click Delete.
  2. Click Save.

Livestream tab

Livestream lets you interact with attendees in real-time by sending video feeds to third-party platforms. You can also integrate video feeds from streaming software into a webinar for an immersive experience. Manage all your event's stream keys in the Meeting & Webinar tab.

Incoming Livestream (RTMP)

Use real-time messaging protocol (RTMP) to stream third-party live stream software scenes containing video footage and audio to your webinar.

Note: To use incoming livestream (RTMP), the host must be on Zoom app 6.2.0 or higher.

  1. Incoming livestream (RTMP): Click the toggle to enable or disable this feature.
  2. Select from the following options:
    • Choose saved stream key: Manually input information about the stream key that you choose.
      Note: A saved stream key can be re-used for different sessions scheduled for different times.
      1. Select stream key: Click the dropdown, then select from the following options:
        • Default: Use the pre-made default stream key.
        • + Create new stream key: Enter a Name and Description for this new stream key, then click Save.
          The newly created stream key will appear as an option in the Select stream key dropdown menu.
      2. After selecting your stream key, view the Stream key details. These details will have automatically been generated after you select the stream key.
        1. Stream key: Click the eye icon to reveal the stream key. You can also click Copy to copy the stream key.
          Note: This is the passcode for the stream that you can input in your third-party platform.
        2. Stream URL: Click the copy icon to copy the URL. 
          Note: This is the destination URL, to which the stream will be sent.
        3. Backup stream URL: Click the copy icon to copy the URL.
      3. Click Save.
    • Generate new stream key: Zoom Events will automatically generate a stream key.
      1. Under Stream key details, view the following information:
        • Stream key: Click the eye icon to reveal the stream key, then view the following actions:
          • Click Reset to reset the stream key. This will be reset if live sessions are not using it.
            Note: Once reset, the previous stream key will become invalid. You will need to update the streaming software with the new key.
          • Click Copy to copy the stream key.
        • Stream URL: Click the copy icon to copy the URL.
        • Backup stream URL: Click the copy icon to copy the URL.
      2. Click Save.

Outgoing livestreaming

You can select the live stream service after starting the webinar via the More menu on the toolbar, or pre-configure the custom live stream service.

  1. Select the Custom live stream services checkbox to enable this feature. Deselect the Custom live stream services checkbox to disable this feature.
  2. When enabled, complete the following information for the outgoing live stream:
    • Stream URL: Enter the streaming URL.
    • Stream key: Enter the streaming key.
    • Livestreaming page URL: Enter the livestreaming page URL.
      Note: Anyone using this link can watch the livestream of the webinar.
    • (Optional) Select the following checkboxes:
      • Custom streaming service requires authentication to broadcast: When selected, this configuration will be shown during the webinar so you can enter your username and password. Additionally, the Configure livestream during the webinar option is automatically selected when this option is selected.
      • Configure livestream during the webinar: Configure your live stream during the live webinar.
  3. Click Save.

In-session Branding tab

  1. (Optional) Under the In-session Branding tab, use Production Studio for webinar sessions. Learn more about Production Studio.
  2. (Optional) Under the In-session Branding tab, set the style for each special role at the session level and how they appear in any of the webinar sessions they join in the event:
    Note: You can apply default branding to all webinars in this event in the event-level Event Branding tab. The changes in the In-session Branding tab are only applied to this specific session.
    • Webinar Wallpaper: Your wallpaper is displayed behind video tiles and shared content for this session only.
      • Under Webinar Wallpaper, click the upload button  to use the content library tool to select an existing image or upload a new image for the webinar wallpaper.
      • (Optional) Under Webinar Wallpaper, hover your mouse over the image tile and click the  icon to delete the wallpaper. If a confirmation window appears, click Delete to confirm.
      • Under Webinar Wallpaper, click Manage Wallpaper to + Upload Wallpaper or select a default wallpaper for this session.
        Note: Use JPG/JPEG/PNG files only. The recommended image dimensions are 1920x1080 pixels. The maximum image size is 10 MB.
      • (Optional) Hover your mouse over a wallpaper, then click Make Default.
        If a confirmation window appears, select from the following:
        • (Optional) Select the Update the default for all sessions including those not using the current default checkbox.
        • Click Save.
      • To the right of Webinar Wallpaper, click Preview Wallpaper to view how your wallpaper appears.
    • In-Session Appearance: All hosts, alternative hosts, exhibitors, interpreters, panelists, and speakers will have an event-wide default virtual background and name tag design. You can make specific changes for this session only.
      1. Click Customize In-session Appearance to view how all roles will appear when they join.
      2. On a tile, click the pencil icon  to update the name tag text and template, and assign a different virtual background. These changes will apply to this session only. These changes will apply to this session only.
        1. Enter the panelist’s information into the Name, Description, and Pronouns fields.
          The entered information will appear in the preview window.
        2. Choose a name tag design that you created to display in the preview window.
        3. Under Virtual Background, select an uploaded virtual background to display in the preview window.
        4. Click Save.
      3. Click + Add more branding to add a new virtual background or add a new name tag template.
        • Add New Virtual Background: Select a virtual background to upload and add from your computer.
        • Add New Name Tag Template: In the Add Name Tag Template window, customize your name tag template. Changes are previewed live in the left preview panel.
          Note: You can create up to 20 name tags.
          1. Enter the Template Name in the text box.
          2. Select the Text Color.
          3. Select the Background Color.
          4. Select the Accent Color.
          5. Click Save.
      4. Click Done.

Add Language Interpreter

  1. Click + Add Language Interpreter.
  2. Enter the interpreter's email.
    Note: After the event is published, an invitation and interpreter ticket will be sent to this email.
  3. Click the first Language dropdown menu to select which language the interpreter will interpret.
  4. Click the second Language dropdown menu to select which language the interpreter will interpret.
  5. (Optional) Click + Add Language Interpreter to add another interpreter.
  6. Click Save.

Add Sign Language Interpreter

  1. Click + Add Sign Interpreter.
  2. Enter the sign language interpreter's email.
    Note: After the event is published, an invitation and an interpreter ticket will be sent to this email.
  3. Click the Language dropdown menu to select which language of sign language will be interpreted.
  4. (Optional) Click + Add Sign Language Interpreter to add another sign language interpreter.
  5. Click Save.

Remove interpreter

After you add a language interpreter or sign language interpreter, you can remove them. To the right of the interpreter you want to delete, click the X button. 

Once you remove this interpreter, the interpreter permissions will be removed for this user. The interpreter will not receive an email or notification about being removed from the event.
  1. (Optional) Under the Polls/Quizzes tab, click + Create to add 1 or more questions to the poll.
    A pop-up window will appear.
  2. At the bottom of the pop-up window, click the ellipsis  to select the Allow participants to answer questions anonymously check box.
  3. At the bottom of the pop-up window, click + Add Question to add more poll questions.
  4. Click Untitled Question to change the name of that polling question.
  5. Click the question area to edit the following details:
    • To the right of the name of the polling question, click the dropdown menu to choose the question type:
      Note: Users below version 5.8.3 will not be able to view or participate in advanced polls.
      • Single Choice: Poll participants can select only one of the provided answers. Possible answers can be listed all at once or under a drop-down menu.
      • Multiple Choice: Poll participants can select multiple provided answers.
      • Matching: Poll participants can match prompts on the left side with answers on the right side. The order of prompts and answers can be adjusted as needed. Up to 10 prompts can be provided for each question, with the possible matches ranging between 2-10 options.
      • Rank Order: Poll participants can rank each item based on the provided scale. Up to 10 items can be provided for each question, with the scale allowing a range of 2-7 options.
      • Short Answer: Poll participants can respond with a short answer response. The minimum and maximum allowed characters for the response can be set.
      • Long Answer: Poll participants can respond with a long answer response. The minimum and maximum allowed characters for the response can be set.
      • Fill in the blank: Poll participants are presented with the statement and a blank, asking them to fill in the missing information based on the statement and other context provided. Multiple blanks can be added and each blank has its own answer box.
      • Rating Scale: Poll participants are given a statement or topic, then they are given the opportunity to rate the topic on a given scale. The range of the scale can be adjusted from the default of 1-10, and the ends of the scale can be labeled to indicate what the scale is based on, for example Not likely to Extremely likely.
    • Click the blank for each choice to enter an answer for participants to select from.
    • Click Add Option, Add Row, Add Column, Add Prompt, or Add Answer (depending on the type of poll question selected) to add additional answer options.
    • Click the trash icon  to delete the current polling question.
    • Click the ellipsis  to access additional options:
      • Upload Image: Allows an image to be uploaded and displayed below the question.
        Note: Use JPG/JPEG/PNG files only. The recommended image dimensions are 1920x1080 pixels. The maximum image size is 10MB.
      • Duplicate Question: Duplicate the current polling question as it currently is.
    • Select the check box next to Required to ensure a question must be answered before a participant can submit poll answers.
    • Pencil icon : Edit the existing poll.
  6. (Optional) Click + Add a Question to create an additional question.
    Note: Each question and individual answers for a question can be reordered as needed.
  7. Click the ellipsis  to access the following option:
    • Allow participants to answer questions anonymously: Poll participants can choose to have their answers associated with themselves or to provide answers to the poll anonymously.
    • Make a quiz and set correct answers: If you want to set correct answers and score respondents' accuracy, you can turn the polling feature into a quizzing platform.
      Note: Only Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Matching, and Rank Order polls can set a correct answer. Short-answer and long-answer questions will require manual scoring.
      1. Create and add a poll.
      2. Click the ellipsis  and click Make a quiz and set correct answers.
      3. Click Set answer shown on each question.
      4. Select which answer(s) you want to be the correct option.
      5. Click Done.
      6. Repeat for each question.
      7. Click Save.
  8. Click Save.

During a meeting event, all questions under a single poll will be asked when launched. You can create additional polls to ask questions at different times during a webinar event session.

Additionally, the host, alternative host, and co-editors (who have been given permission) can edit and create new polls or quizzes while a session is live/ongoing. The new or updated polls/quizzes will be published and available during the live session.

Note: You can add up to 50 polls/quizzes per session. A basic poll/quiz has a maximum limit of 10 questions. An advanced poll/quiz has a maximum limit of 50 questions.

Resources tab

With resources, you will have a specific resource location for attendees to view information about the event. You can also use this in-session tool to create a resource link that directs attendees’ attention to your resources, provide more event information and details, or direct attendees to another Zoom Sessions event.

This feature is available for webinar, meeting, and simulive events. Meeting resources are only available with client version 5.16.5 or later.

Learn more about managing and launching resources in a session.


  • If an event organizer has resources disabled (either in personal settings or by their account admin), they cannot use resources in the event creation.
  • You can create 50 resource links.

Create a resource link

Resource links can be activated during a live session to call attendees to do something. As you edit your resource link information, you can preview how it’ll look on the right side of the pop-up window.

  1. Access the Session tab in the Zoom Sessions event setup.
  2. Click the Resources tab.
  3. In the Resources tab, click + Create.
    Create Resource Link pop-up window will appear.
  4. In the pop-up window, upload and edit information for the resources:
    • Image: Click Upload to upload an image.
      Note: Upload a JPG/JPEG or 24-bit PNG file type. The maximum dimensions are 800px by 800px. The maximum file size is 15 MB.
    • Headline: Enter headline text.
      Note: You can enter up to 25 characters.
    • (Optional) Description: Enter description text.
      Note: You can enter up to 34 characters.
    • Button Link: Enter a URL for the button link.
    • Button Label: Select how your button will appear to participants by using options from the dropdown menu.
  5. Click Save.

Your resource link will appear in the Resources tab.

Edit a resource link

  1. Create a resource link.
  2. In the Resources tab, to the right of the resource link you want to edit, click the pencil icon .
    The Edit Resource Link pop-up window will appear.
  3. In the pop-up window, edit the information.
  4. Click Save to confirm your changes.

Delete a resource link

  1. Create a resource link.
  2. In the Resources tab, to the right of the resource link you want to delete, click the trash icon .
    A confirmation window will appear.
  3. In the confirmation window, click Yes, Delete to confirm.
    Your resource link will be removed.

Upload documents

Note: File requirements are JPG/JPEG, 24-bit PNG, PDF, PPT. The maximum upload single file size is 15 MB.

  1. Access the Resources tab.
  2. Under Documents, upload files in the following ways:
    • Drag and drop files onto the page.
    • Click Choose Files to select a file, then click Open.

The uploaded file will appear on the page.

Captions tab

  1. Under Speaking language, click the dropdown menu to select the language you and the speakers will be speaking in this webinar.
    Captions will appear in this language for everyone.
  2. Click Save.