Troubleshooting disabled or missing Zoom Whiteboard button

If you find that the Whiteboard button is missing or not working within or outside of Zoom meetings, there are a few potential causes for this issue. Explore the troubleshooting steps in this article to address the problem and ensure that the Whiteboard feature is working for your account.

Requirements for troubleshooting disabled or missing Zoom Whiteboard option

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How to troubleshoot disabled or missing Zoom Whiteboard button

Ensure that the Whiteboard feature is enabled for your account

Make sure the Whiteboard feature has not been disabled by your organization admin. If it is disabled, contact your admin and request to enable it.

Verify if you have permission to access the Whiteboard

Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to access the Whiteboard feature. If you do not have the required privileges, contact your account administrator to grant you the necessary permissions.

Check the meeting settings

Even if the whiteboard feature is enabled, the meeting host has the option to prevent the use of whiteboards during a meeting. Check the meeting settings and see if the host has disabled Whiteboard for meeting participants.

Update Zoom application to the latest version

Running an outdated version of the Zoom application can sometimes cause compatibility issues, including problems with the Whiteboard button. Update Zoom to the latest version or download the latest version of Zoom from our download center before installing it again.

Clear cache and cookies

Cached files and cookies can sometimes cause display-related issues. Clear your browser's cache and cookies and try installing or updating the Zoom application again.

For additional troubleshooting, contact Zoom Support.