64-bit Intel VDI client and plugin (Beta)

With the release of 5.14.10, Zoom is providing beta releases of Windows 64-bit Intel VDI client and VDI plugin. These installers can be found on the VDI downloads article.

This allows admins to install the 64-bit VDI client on top of an older 32-bit VDI client, as well as install the 64-bit VDI plugin on top of an older 32-bit VDI plugin. Additionally, 64-bit versions can be used with the 32-bit versions. For example, a 64-bit VDI client can connect to a 32-bit VDI plugin and a 64-bit VDI plugin can connect to a 32-bit VDI client. Of course, admins can also update both client and plugin to the 64-bit release.

Note: If you later decide to go back to the 32-bit version of either the client or plugin, you must uninstall the 64-bit version first.

Known Limitations of the Intel 64-bit client and plugin