Delegating access for Zoom Mail

Zoom Mail users can assign delegate mail access to other Zoom Mail users on their account, allowing them to view, reply, and compose emails on behalf of the user. Delegating users can also enable settings to include the delegate's email on outgoing email (Sent by…) and keep emails marked as unread, even if the delegate has opened them. Additionally, users assigning delegated access will automatically have the encryption key change notification enabled for each delegated user.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for delegating access for Zoom Mail

How to add a delegate for Zoom Mail

  1. Sign in to the Zoom desktop client.
  2. Click the Mail  tab.
  3. In the top-right corner, click the Settings icon settings-button.png, then click Email Preferences.
  4. In the navigation menu, click Advanced Settings .
  5. In the top-right corner, click Add delegate.
    A pop-up window will appear.
  6. In the window, under Email address, enter the delegate's email address, then click Add delegate.
    The delegate will appear in the Users section on the Advanced Settings page. When the delegate's status is active, they can access, read, and send emails on your behalf.
  7. (Optional) Select the Leave emails unread in my inbox when opened by a delegate checkbox.

Note: When you add delegates to your account, you are automatically enrolled in tracking the delegates' fingerprints on all devices.

View delegation details

  1. Add a delegate for your Zoom Mail account.
  2. To the right of the delegate you want to manage, click the 3 horizontal dots 3_dots.png, then click View Delegation Details.
    A window will appear, displaying the delegate's email and fingerprint information.
  3. (Optional) Click the Track fingerprint toggle to enable or disable it.
    When enabled, you can track the delegate's fingerprint on a device basis. When you track a person’s fingerprint and attempt to send an email to that person, you will be alerted with a modal and have the option to cancel or confirm. Information on the last time the fingerprint was changed will appear in the window. 


Delete a delegate

  1. Sign in to the Zoom desktop client.
  2. Click the Mail  tab.
  3. In the top-right corner, click the Settings icon settings-button.png, then click Email Preferences.
  4. In the navigation menu, click Advanced Settings .
  5. Under Users, to the right of the delegate you want to delete, click the 3 horizontal dots 3_dots.png, then click Remove Delegate.
    The delegate will be removed.

How to show and hide emails from your delegates

Hide emails from your delegates

Hide emails from the main inbox view

  1. Sign in to the Zoom desktop client.
  2. Click the Mail  tab.
  3. Right-click an email that you want to hide from your delegates.
  4. In the right-click menu, click Hide from delegates.
    Hidden emails from the main inbox will be moved to the Private label.

Hide emails from the email view

  1. In your main inbox, click an email that you want to view.
  2. At the top of the email, click the ellipsis more-button__1_.png, then click Hide from delegates
    The emails will be moved from the main inbox to the Private label.

Show emails from your delegates

Show emails from the Private label view

  1. After hiding an email from your delegates, access the Private label in the Zoom Mail navigation menu.
  2. Right-click an email that you want to show your delegates, then click Show to delegates.
    The email will be moved from the Private label to the main inbox.

Show emails from the email view

  1. In the Zoom Mail navigation menu, access the Private label.
  2. Open an email that you want to view.
  3. At the top of the email, click the ellipsis more-button__1_.png, then click Show to delegates.
    The email will be moved from the Private label to the main inbox.

How to view your delegated accounts 

View your delegated accounts in Advanced Settings

  1. Sign in to the Zoom desktop client.
  2. Click the Mail  tab.
  3. In the top-right corner, click the Settings icon settings-button.png, then click Email Preferences.
  4. In the navigation menu, click Advanced Settings .
  5. Under Accounts you delegate, view the Users that you are a delegate for and your delegation status.
    When your status is active, you can access, read, and send emails on your delegate's behalf.

View your delegated accounts in the Settings dropdown menu

  1. Sign in to the Zoom desktop client.
  2. Click the Mail  tab.
  3. In the top-right corner, click the Settings icon settings-button.png, then click the account that you are delegating.
    By switching to this account, you can access, read, and send emails on your delegate's behalf.

Send emails as a delegate

  1. Access your assigned account in the Settings settings-button.png dropdown menu.
  2. In the top-left corner, click the new email icon , then compose an email.
    At the bottom of the email, a message will appear, informing you that you are sending the email on behalf of the delegated account. 
  3. Click Send.

Leave your delegated account

  1. Sign in to the Zoom desktop client.
  2. Click the Mail  tab.
  3. In the top-right corner, click the Settings icon settings-button.png, then click Email Preferences.
  4. In the navigation menu, click Advanced Settings .
  5. To the right of the delegated account that you want to leave, click the 3 horizontal dots 3_dots.png, then click Leave account.
    A confirmation window will appear.
  6. In the confirmation window, click Remove