Managing New View call logs

Account owners and admins have access to the enhanced call logs view. This new view allows them to utilize advanced filters for various call attributes, including call type, result, extension type, number type, group, events within the call, spam, and result. Furthermore, the call path column provides comprehensive descriptions of the sequential steps involved in each call. Admins can conveniently switch between the Classic View and the New View based on their preferences.

Requirements for viewing and managing the New View call logs

Table of Contents

How to access and filter the New View call logs

You can view logs for all phone users in your account.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Logs.
  3. Click the Calls tab.
    In the top-right, New View is the default view.
    1. (Optional) Click Classic View to use the older view of call logs. Learn more about using the Classic View.
      Note: The classic view of call logs is deprecated but will continue to be accessible.
  4. Use the following controls to filter and search call log entries:
  5. In the top-right corner, click Export to CSV to save a CSV file containing the current call log entries you've filtered using the options in the previous step.

How to identify log entries according to the filters used

The following points explain the columns in the log table to help you identify log entries:

  1. Click the Settings icon to add or remove items you would like to display on the page and view the following:
  2. To the right of a call, click Call Path to identify the exact path of the call and identify the following:
  3. On the top-right of the page, click Export to CSV to save a CSV file containing the current call log entries you've filtered.
  4. In the top-right corner of the page, click the Trash icon to view any logs that may have been deleted by users or retention policy.
  5. In the top-right corner of the page, click Classic View to return to the classic view of the call logs.
    Note: The new call log is now available. The classic view of call logs is deprecated but will continue to be accessible.

How to view Zoom Contact Center logs

Example to understand the new call log

  1. A call is initiated from the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) to an Auto-Receptionist (AR).
  2. The caller interacts with the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system by entering "1" which directs the call to a Call Queue (CQ).
  3. An agent in the CQ responds to the phone call.
  4. An account admin filters the data based on the From and To parameters to view the information that can be filtered by week or month.
  5. The admin then searches for a specific phone number and filters for inbound calls, call queues, and answered calls to further refine the data.
    The call summary shows the call result as Answered.
  6. The admin clicks on Call Path to see the following details:
  7. Using the Call ID - 7311825463708870121, the admin can search the recording log.
  8. The recording shows the PSTN call that is 25 seconds long and the owner is the corresponding queue, which aligns with the call log.