Batch importing, exporting, or updating Zoom Contact Center users

As a Zoom Contact Center admin, you can batch import users if you need to add several existing users to Zoom Contact Center. After adding users, you can change user settings. You can batch import up to 1,000 users at once.

You can also export and update phone users using a CSV file. There's no limit to the amount of phone users you can export in a CSV file.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for batch importing, exporting, or updating users

How to batch import users

You batch import user if you need to add up to 1,000 existing users to Zoom Contact Center.


  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Users.
  3. At the top of the user table, click Import.
  4. Click CSV Sample in the web portal to download a sample CSV file and view the required fields. Do not delete the first row with the field names.
  5. Fill out the CSV sample using spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel.
  6. Click Upload CSV and select your completed CSV file to start the batch process.
    Note: If there's an error in one or more fields, the batch process will not complete. You will have these options:
  7. Click Close if the batch process is successful.

How to batch export and update existing users

You can batch update existing users if you want to update users' information, assignments, and settings.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Users.
  3. Click Export at the top of the user table to export a CSV file of existing phone users.
    Note: This will export the users currently displayed. If you don't want to export all phone users, use the search box and filters to only display some phone users, then click Export.
  4. Use the exported CSV file to review user settings and change them as needed. Alternatively, you can delete any user entries that do not need to be updated.
  5. Click Import.
  6. Click the Update Users tab.
  7. Click CSV Sample in the web portal to view the required fields, or download a sample CSV file (optional).
  8. Edit the exported CSV file or fill out the CSV sample using spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel.
  9. Click Upload CSV and select your completed CSV file to start the batch process.
    Note: If there's an error in one or more fields, the batch process will not complete. You will have these options:
  10. Click Close if the batch process is successful.