Managing Zoom Contact Center concurrent licensing

Zoom Contact Center concurrent licensing provides a one-to-many license option where licenses from a shared license pool are assigned to agents that are actively signed in to the Zoom Contact Center desktop client or web portal. Zoom Contact Center admins can access the licenses usage log to view overall concurrent license usage for each billing period.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for managing Zoom Contact Center concurrent licensing

Note: If the account has concurrent licensing, the agent work sessions feature is automatically enabled and can't be disabled. Agent work sessions are used to determined sign-in users.

How to view the account’s concurrent licensing package and overage allowance

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management then Billing.
  3. In the Zoom Contact Center section, you will see your account’s package and overage allowance.

How to add users to Zoom Contact Center

Follow the article to manage Zoom Contact Center users.

After adding users to Zoom Contact Center, users that are signed in to Zoom Contact Center it will count towards the total license count for the account. As a result, there is no limit to the number of users you can add to Zoom Contact Center.

Signed-in user definition

A Zoom Contact Center user is counted towards the total concurrent license amount when they meet any of the following scenarios:

How to view concurrent license usage

You can use Zoom contact center usage reports to view concurrent license usage over time.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management then Reports.
  3. Click Contact Center.
  4. Click the Licenses tab.
  5. Use the From / To filters to specify the time period for the report.
  6. (Optional) Click Export to export the currently-displayed data as a CSV file.

Information in the licenses usage report

You will see the following information in the Zoom Contact Center licenses usage report: