Reducing your number of licenses

As an account owner or admin, you can reduce the number of licenses from your account and switch your account type from Business to Pro. Follow the steps below to do so.


Requirements for reducing your number of licenses

Table of Contents

How to reduce your number of licenses

To reduce licenses on your account, follow the steps below depending on where your billing portal is located in the left navigation menu of the Zoom web portal. Not sure how to identify where your billing portal is located? Learn how to locate your billing settings.

Billing portal under Plans and Billing
  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Plans and Billing then Plan Management.
  3. To the right of the plan you want to change, click Manage.
    A window will appear.
  4. In the window, click Edit Plan.
  5. On the Edit Plan panel, adjust the number of licenses that you want for that plan in the following ways:
    Note: For Zoom Phone, you will adjust the number of calling plans in the number(s) section.
    • In the License(s) section, use the minus sign to reduce the number of licenses.
    • Enter the number of licenses that you want.
  6. On the Updated Order Summary panel, make sure to read the changes taking effect, and click Place Order.
    A confirmation window will appear.
  7. In the confirmation window, click Yes.
    The reduction of your licenses will go into effect on your next invoice. You will receive an email confirmation about your pending downgrade.
    Note: In the Plan Management tab, the status of your plan will be marked as Pending Downgrade until the change on your next invoice.
Billing portal under Account Management
  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management then Billing.
  3. Click the Current Plans tab.
  4. On the right of the plan you desire to change, click Edit Current Plan.
  5. Under How many licenses do you need?, enter the number of licenses you need.
  6. Click Save & Continue.
  7. In the dialog box, click Yes.
    The reduction of your licenses will go into effect on your next invoice.
  8. In the PAYMENT section, click Continue.
  9. In the REVIEW ORDER section, make sure to read the changes taking effect, and click Place Order.
  10. (Optional) Click Review your Subscription.
    The STATUS of your plan will be marked as Pending Downgrade until the change on your next invoice.

How to change your account from Business to Pro

Follow these steps to downgrade your account from Business to Pro.