Getting started with iPad Zoom Rooms

With Zoom Rooms for Touch you can use an iPad as a Zoom Room for shared spaces or as a Zoom for Home device. Once the device is configured, you can start using the available features, like starting or joining a meeting, and collaborating with whiteboard. 

Prerequisites for creating an iPad Zoom Room

Zoom Room for shared spaces

Zoom for Home device

Table of Contents

How to setup an iPad as a Zoom Room

  1. Download and open the Zoom Rooms app for the device.
  2. The app has three modes to choose from: Zoom Rooms Controller, Zoom Rooms for Touch, and Scheduling Display. Select the Zoom Rooms for Touch mode.
  3. (Optional) Provision the iPad as a Zoom for Home device, or add it on the web portal as a Zoom Room for shared spaces.
    Note: If you skip this step, the device will automatically be configured as a Personal Zoom Room (Zoom for Home device). You will also have to complete some setup options in the app instead of in the web portal. 
  4. Sign in to the Zoom Rooms app on the iPad.
  5. (Optional) Complete the additional setup options, if necessary.