Common TCR errors, terminal rejections, and SMS content restrictions

The Campaign Registry (TCR) and other downstream entities are closely reviewing all the campaign and brand submissions that you make via the Zoom admin web portal. Often, if the provided information is incomplete or inaccurate, you may receive a rejection from TCR for your campaign. You will be receiving an email from Zoom advising you of the rejection reason and this rejection reason is also accompanied by a rejection code. The following matrix allows you to look at your rejection code from TCR and take corrective action.

This article covers:

Commonly encountered TCR errors and SMS content restrictions

TCR Rejection Error CodeTCR Error DescriptionRecommended Resolution from Zoom
601The content you submitted for the campaign has info that doesn’t match what you checked.This error is encountered when reviewers have determined that the content in the sample messages does not match the content you said you will be sending. The most likely case is that you haven’t chosen the correct content options in the Campaign setup wizard. If your campaign includes URLs, Phone Numbers, Age Gate content (i.e. content only suitable for recipients 18 years or older like gambling, lotteries etc) or lending or loan arrangements, you must set this option to “Yes” in the wizard and resubmit the campaign. These options are set to “No” by default.
602Your sample messages don’t match your business type.The sample messages need to reflect the nature of the business. Ensure that the sample message exactly matches the type of messages you usually send to your customers. E.g. If your business is a dental clinic, but your sample messages talk about job recruitment or some unrelated topic, the campaign will be rejected.
603Your website, brand name, and/or sample messages don’t match.If the information entered across these fields doesn’t match, then the campaign will be rejected. Reviewers are looking for consistency to ensure that messaging is not being abused. Ensure that the same brand is used in all the fields mentioned here.
701One or more of your sample messages mentions cannabis.Cannabis-related content is prohibited and is not supported by Zoom and downstream carriers
702One or more of your sample messages mentions guns or ammunition.Firearms-related content is prohibited and is not supported by Zoom and downstream carriers
703One or more of your sample messages mentions explicit or sexual content.Explicit and sexual content is prohibited and is not supported by Zoom and downstream carriers.
704One or more of your sample messages mentions gambling.Gambling-related content is prohibited and is not supported by Zoom and downstream carriers
705One or more of your sample messages contains hate speech.Hateful content (xenophobic etc.) is prohibited and is not supported by Zoom and downstream carriers.
706One or more of your sample messages refers to alcohol.Alcohol-related content is prohibited and is not supported by Zoom and downstream carriers.
707One or more of your sample messages talks about tobacco or vaping.Tobacco-related content is prohibited and is not supported by Zoom and downstream carriers.
708One or more of your sample messages intends to generate leads to your business and/or referrals to another company that isn’t yours. This can also be received if lead generation is referenced in your websiteRemove any language that is lead-related or referral messaging to other third-party companies from your sample message(s) and your website.
709One or more of your sample messages includes information on high-risk financial services (ex., stock markets, hedge funds, crypto, NFTs, etc.)This is deemed a high-risk service and is not supported by Zoom and downstream carriers.
712Your registration indicates that you’re a direct lending arrangement company.You must check the direct lending arrangement checkbox in the campaign wizard. If you’re a direct loan lender, your sample messages, website URL, etc., should clearly state that you’re a direct loan lender.
802You’re trying to register as a sole proprietor.Sole proprietorship is not a supported business type on Zoom for 10 DLC registration at present
803Your website has no language about users opting into SMS.Your website must clearly state how the user is opting into SMS. If there is no clear language, the campaign will be rejected. E.g. some language like “By providing your number, you agree to be contacted by us for receiving marketing information and product updates.”
804Your website doesn’t include anything about getting consent from customers.If you provide SMS messaging as an option (such as a ‘Contact Us’ page intake form) on your website, the page must be publicly visible and include the appropriate language to state that by providing their phone number, they’re consenting to receive calls or SMS messages. If you don’t have a website intake form but gained consent over the phone, explain in detail how consent is gathered.
9103You didn’t include the opt-in language required on your website if you use a form to collect phone numbers.Please ensure that you add clear opt-in language to your website, preferably at the point of collection of the opt-in, before resubmitting.
9104You didn’t provide enough details in the how you obtain consent section when you get consent outside of your website.Provide a thorough description of how your consumer consents to receive SMS. For example, if consent is obtained via physical forms (patient intake forms, attorney retainer agreements, employee handbooks, etc.), please describe how, where, and when this process happens (it typically happens when you obtain the phone number). If it is verbal consent, please describe in detail how consent is obtained verbally.
9105You didn’t provide the exact URL where the opt-in consent is obtained in the how you obtain consent section.Include the exact URL where opt-in consent verbiage can be found on your website.
9201You’ve included prohibited content in one or more of your sample messages.Refer to the SMS content restrictions section below to ensure your campaign doesn’t violate them.
9212Your campaign appears to be a direct lending arrangement, but you didn’t check the appropriate content attribute.Resubmit, making sure to select Direct lending or loan agreement in the Campaign and Content Attributes tab.
9301Campaign attributes don’t match your website and/or sample message content.Ensure the campaign attributes match the type of content on the website and sample messages.
9303Inconsistency between website, brand name, and/or sample messages or inconsistent sample messages.Ensure the website content, sample messages, and brand are all consistent. If you mention different entities on your website vs your sample messages, the campaign will be rejected.
9401You included a public shortened URL in your sample messages.Carriers prohibit publicly shared shortened URLs (i.e.,,, etc.). Please edit your sample messages and provide the full URLs. You can use your own company’s branded short URL
9402You didn’t include a URL when referencing it in your sample messages.Add full-length URLs or your own company’s branded short URLs to your sample messages.

Note: The Opt-In section referenced in the above error codes corresponds to the “How are you gathering consent?” section of the Zoom campaign wizard. This is where the updates need to be reflected if you receive errors.

SMS content restrictions and terminal rejections

While Zoom customers can use our messaging services for a wide variety of use cases and content, there are several content categories that are forbidden when sending text messages from Zoom Phone and Zoom Contact Center.

The following content categories have consistently received high volumes of complaints from message recipients and are not considered appropriate. Messages with this kind of content will be blocked by carriers regardless of opt-in status. 10 DLC campaigns where the brand or campaign is considered to be sending such content will be rejected.

This rejection decision is based on a holistic review of the brand as well as the campaign submission and not just the contents of the campaign submission alone. As a reminder, the brand is what defines the type of business and the carrier validates everything tied to the brand including the website, business registration, etc.

The type of business a brand is engaged in is a strong indicator of the content they might send as per the carrier e.g. A company involved in the gambling and betting business is very likely to send content related to gambling via a business SMS service. For this reason, carriers are reluctant to approve any campaigns (even if they are for conversational purposes ) that are submitted by these companies. The concern here is that once a campaign is approved, the business can send any kind of message content and the carriers would only be detecting the messages on this topic after the messages have been sent. These rejections cannot usually be appealed by Zoom and are outside of Zoom’s influence to reinstate or approve. Therefore, these rejection categories are referred to as Terminally rejected campaigns.