Configuring alerts and notifications for Zoom Meetings and Webinars
Admins can be proactively alerted when there is an issue with meetings and webinars hosted by their account. This article guides admins through setting up quality scores and issue conditions that will trigger these alert notifications.
Alerts can be configured for audio, video, screen share, and connection issues, as well as assigned to specific users or user groups. Notifications can be sent with a given frequency for ongoing issues (every 30 minutes) or during a specific time frame (9am to 6pm). Notification recipients can include up to 10 email addresses and up to 3 Team Chat channels.
Alerts and notifications can also be configured for Zoom Phone calls.
Requirements for configuring alerts and notifications
- Pro, Business, Education, or Enterprise account
- Account owners and admins with privileges
How to create a new alert
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as the owner or admin.
- In the navigation menu, click Account Management, then Alerts & Notifications.
- Click the Meeting and Webinar tab.
- Click the Alerts tab.
- Click Add an Alert.
- Provide details for the following fields and click Save when complete.
In the Rule section:
- Name: Provide a name for this alert.
- Module: Choose which product’s quality you want this alert to monitor: Meeting Quality or Webinar Quality.
- Rule: Create the rules for when to trigger this alert.
- Click the first drop-down menu to choose which meeting or webinar component you would like to monitor: Video, Audio, Screen Share, or Re-Connections.
- Click the second drop-down menu to choose from the 2 following options:
- Quality Score:
Note: This option is available when Video, Audio, or Screen Share is selected above.
- Warning: Set the quality of the component and the percentage of participants that must have this quality to trigger a warning alert.
- Next to Quality level is equal to or less than, click the drop-down menu to choose when to trigger the warning alert, including Good, Fair, Poor, and Bad.
- Next to And, participants with this issue more than, enter the percentage of participants in the meeting or webinar that must be experiencing the chosen quality.
Note: This value must be 50 or below.
- Critical: Set the quality of the component and the percentage of participants that must have this quality to trigger a critical alert.
- Next to Quality level is equal to or less than, click the drop-down menu to choose when to trigger the critical alert, including Good, Fair, Poor, and Bad.
- Next to And, participants with this issue more than, enter the percentage of participants in the meeting or webinar that must be experiencing the chosen quality.
Note: This value must be 50 or above.
- Issue Conditions: Alerts configured with this require the meeting quality scores and network alerts on Dashboard be enabled and configured, which are used for the quality score.
Note: This option is available when any component is selected above (Video, Audio, Screen Share, or Re-Connections), but this is the only option available when Re-Connections is selected.
- Warning: Enter the percentage of participants that must have this quality to trigger a warning alert.
- Critical: Enter the percentage of participants that must have this quality to trigger a critical alert.
- Target: Click the drop-down menu to choose whose meetings or webinars will be monitored for the set conditions and potentially trigger an alert. Choose Account to apply this to all meetings and webinars hosted by the account, or select Specific User to search by email address for 1 or more specific users to apply this alert. Click Save and then Add to search for and include each additional user.
In the Notification section:
- Frequency: Click the drop-down menu to select how frequent to send alerts for an issue. Alerts will not be sent if problems persist for a specified period of time.
- Time frame: Set the timeframe for when this rule should be active and send any triggered alerts. Click the 24 Hours checkbox to have this alert be always enabled.
- Email Recipients: Add up to 10 email recipients
- Click Add to provide 1 or more email addresses (multiple recipients separated by a comma).
- Click the I acknowledge that the email I filled in is correct checkbox.
- Click Save.
- Chat Channels: Add up to 3 Team Chat channels to be notified when an alert is triggered.
Note: This option requires the Incoming Webhook Marketplace App developed by Zoom. Once added by an admin in the Marketplace and configured through Team Chat, verification tokens and endpoints will be generated in Team Chat and provided below.
- Click Set.
- Provide the following details:
- Channel: Provide the name of the Team Chat channel.
- Verification Token: Provide the verification token generated by the Incoming Webhook app.
- Endpoint: Provide the endpoint generated by the Incoming Webhook app.
- Click Save.
In the Active Status section:
- Active Status: Click the toggle
to activate or deactivate this alert.
How to edit an alert
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- In the navigation menu, click Account Management, then Alerts & Notifications.
- Click the Meeting and Webinar tab.
- Click the Alerts tab.
- Click on the alert name.
- Next to the Rule and Time frame options, click Edit to adjust those portion of the alert.
- Next to Email Recipients, click Add to include additional recipients, or click the X next to current recipients to remove them.
- Next to Chat Channels, click Add to include additional channels, or click the X next to current channels to remove them.
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- In the navigation menu, click Account Management, then Alerts & Notifications.
- Click the Meeting and Webinar tab.
- Click the Alerts tab.
- On the far right of the alert name, click the ellipsis
, then click Delete.
Alternatively, click on the alert name, scroll down to the bottom of the page, then click Delete.
How to review alert logs
In addition to the email or Team Chat notifications, admins can review all alerts generated by their account and potentially determine trends.
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- In the navigation menu, click Account Management, then Alerts & Notifications.
- Click the Meeting and Webinar tab.
- Click the Logs tab.
- Click the From and To boxes, to adjust the date range for your review .
- In the search box, type the alert you are looking for.
- In the Rule box, click the drop-down to select a rule. You can select from the following options:
- All
- Meeting-Audio
- Meeting-Video
- Meeting-Screen Share
- Meeting-Re-Connection
- Webinar-Audio
- Webinar-Video
- Webinar-Screen Share
- Webinar-Re-Connection
- In the Severity box, click the drop-down to select a rule. You can select from the following options: