Emergency call routing notification

Customers enabling Emergency Services have the option to route emergency calls from extensions that may not have a local phone number. This is important for users who may need to get help in case of an emergency. In such cases, a phone number from a pool of numbers or a dedicated phone number may be used to route the call. By default, this site-based option is disabled and requires an administrator to configure the required settings.

For the safety of our customers, Zoom will send reminder emails monthly to account administrators and owners to ensure that administrators are aware of this requirement and the configurations are completed. This email will be sent to customers who may not have this option set up.

Requirements for setting emergency call routing notification

Table of Contents

How to configure emergency call routing notification


  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as admin.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then, click Company Info.
  3. Follow one of these options depending on if you have multiple sites:
  4. Click the Emergency Services tab.
  5. In the Emergency Service Routing section, do the following:

Note: For organizations that may have their own Internal Safety Response Team (ISRT) or the option Route Emergency Calls to Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) is disabled, then this may not apply to you. For users to call an ISRT, a local phone number is not required.