Allowing guests to join on-prem meetings

With Zoom’s Meeting Connector, organizations can deploy on-premise servers within their network, allowing users to host meetings within the network instead of Zoom Cloud. While this can really help with bandwidth network costs for hosting internal meetings, guest participants outside of the network will not be able to connect to those meetings without additional firewall configuration on the participant and organization’s side.

How to allow guest participants outside your network to join on-prem meetings

Each ZC and MMR server IP must be 1:1 NAT translated to a public IP address. These external IP addresses must be added to each of the Meeting Connector ZC and MMRs in their local interface.

Below are the firewall rules/allowed connections that will need to be implemented for the Guest's firewall  as well as the hosting organization's firewall, to ensure that guests can make a connection to an organization's on-premise meetings:




80, 443

Zoom Clients within guest/external network



Client Login / Meeting Join Process


Zoom Clients within guest/external network

Hosting Meeting Connector (ZC and MMR external IPs/domains or ZC)

Client Signaling with Meeting servers (ZC and MMRs)



3478, 3479, 8801

Zoom Clients within guest/external network

Hosting Meeting Connector (ZC and MMR external IPs/domains or ZC)

Client Audio/Video/Content media to/from Meeting servers (ZC and MMRs)