Advance notice of Zoom moving to the Windows Universal Installer

Zoom will gradually move to only providing a download option for the Windows Universal Installer to install VDI plugins for Windows. The older dedicated Windows installers (named Windows x86 or x64 (Phone and Meetings) will no longer be provided in future releases.

Beginning with release 5.14.0, new functionality for suppressing admin privilege notifications when installing a VDI plugin using VDI Plugin Management, will only be included in the Windows Universal Installer. 

For existing releases, the older installer options will remain available. The new installer is named Windows Universal Installer (Phone and Meetings). Both the old and the new installer provide the same VDI plugin for each selected platform. The difference is that the Windows Universal Installer can be used to install the VDI plugin for any of our supported virtual desktop platforms while the older installers only installed the VDI plugin for each specific platform.

This change will not be done all at once. The older installer options will be removed for specific platforms over time until only the Windows Universal Installer is provided. The following is a table with the intended timeline for the change.

Target release when VDI Plugin Installer will only provide the Windows Universal Installer
Azure/Windows 365VMwareCitrix
5.14.0 - April 20235.15.0 - July 20235.17.10 - March 2024

For more information about the Windows Universal Installer, please visit Using Windows Universal Installer for VDI plugins.