Managing Zoom Sessions Links & Event Access

Hosts can use the Links & Access page—a centralized registration page—to manage existing functionalities, such as authentication rules, free/paid event, geo-blocking, registrations, and marketing consent.

In the Links & Event Access page, hosts can create group join links and registration links and specify an authentication setting for each. All the links to access your event are located in this tab. Authentication rules live within the registration link, separate from group join links, and the host can apply additional filters at the ticket level. Ticket visibility rules still remain in the Ticketing section.

Learn more about creating a single-session event or recurring sessions event.


This article covers:

Prerequisites for managing Zoom Sessions Links & Event Access

How to access the Links & Event Access page in Zoom Sessions

  1. Create a single-session event or recurring sessions event.
    You can also edit an upcoming event to access event setup.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Registration & Join, then click Links & Event Access.
    The Links & Event Access page will appear.

The page will display the following information:

How to understand registration and group join links

Understand default event links

When hosts set up an event, they can add a group join or registration link to the event. Registration links are the default for single-session events and multiple sessions events. The host can modify the default selection to a different event link. When the default selection is applied, the existing event detail page links or the links used by the hub will use the default setting specified by the host.

Understand the security code at event join

Hosts can enable the Security at join option in the event creation setup. A security code will be sent to each attendee's inbox every time they join the host's event. Depending on the attendees' event authentication portfolio, attendees who join an event with the Security at join option enabled will have different scenarios.

Understand changing settings at the group join link level

Group join links are not dependent on ticket-level restrictions. Hosts have a single place at the group-join-link level to control access behavior. Hosts can select the authentication method for each group join link, and all the domain and email allow lists are set at the group-join-link level (not at the ticket level). Multiple group join links can reference the same ticket with different authentication and allow list rules. For any existing group join link, the ticket level restrictions must be migrated to the group-join-link level. Ticket-level domain and email lists only determine registration behavior.

When an attendee joins through multiple group join links, each link will assign a new ticket to the user. If each group join link refers to the same ticket type, the user will only be associated with that one ticket type. If a single group join link refers to multiple ticket types (changed during a different time frame), the attendee will be assigned both ticket types. If the host changes the underlying ticket definition that is being used for a group join link, the latest ticket type configuration will be used by all attendees (for example, if the host changes the ticket type from virtual to hybrid, all users with that ticket type will get hybrid permissions). The latest ticket type definition will be used by all attendees (from group join link, registration, pre-registration, or API). The host can update attendees from all these sources with a single ticket type definition.

Note: If the group join link ticket definition changes, any user accessing the group join link before this change will not have the previous ticket revoked.

Additionally, if the lobby has already closed and an attendee tries joining through a group join link, neither registration nor tickets will be added to the event for the joining user. The attendee will receive a message that the event has ended and the lobby is closed.

Understand one-time password verification for group join links

When an event does not require registration and hosts select Sign in with a Zoom account or authenticate via Email Verification Code as the authentication profile for their event, they can create a join link. Hosts can specify email addresses or domains as an additional restriction for those users. This allows users on the domain or with the specified email addresses to register and join. It applies to both Zoom users and email-only users. Users will be asked to provide their email address at joining and must pass an email one-time password (OTP) verification to join. Only users on the email domains that the host specified can access and join the event; other users will receive an error message that they do not have permission. Hosts will receive a group join link after publishing the event. Hosts can copy the group join link, view the group join link in an email draft, and send an email draft to themselves.

Understand configuring the fast-join process

Hosts can choose to issue fast-join links to the registrants for their events and can customize the join process of fast-join users. By using the Security at Join option, hosts can choose between the default fast-join (bypass authentication) option or the always-join option (attendees must authenticate when they access the fast-join link). This feature applies to events that require users to have a Zoom account or use an email verification code for authentication, including registrants and pre-registrants. Registrants must answer the security question to join the event if this option was enabled for them. This doesn’t impact events that have IDP or Zoom account authentication along with specified conditions.

How to create registration and group join links

Set up how your attendees will access your event with registration and/or group join links. Target specific attendees with pre-registration or integrate external registration/marketing.

Create event access with registration (registration link)

When registration is added to an event, the host can share the registration link with their attendees for registration.

Note: You can have only 1 registration link per event.

Complete the Event Access section

  1. Access the Links & event access page.
  2. At the bottom of the page, click Create Event Access.
    You will be directed to the event access setup.
  3. Under Link name, enter a name for the link.
    Note: The Link name field has a maximum of 150 characters.
  4. (Optional) Depending on its status, choose from the following options:
    • Click Set as default link to use this link as the default event link.
      The default link will be referenced for any event detail page link used in your event and will set a default for event listings.
    • Click Remove default link to remove the link's default status.
  5. (Optional) After you save the registration link settings, under the Link to register field, click the copy icon to copy the link.
  6. (Optional) If you set up a customized branding domain for Zoom Events, select the Customize Event URL to define the custom URL for each registration and group join link within the event creation setup.
    If you want Zoom Events to create a link for you automatically, select the Auto-generated Event URL option.
    Note: The Customize Event URL feature is currently in beta and is only available for approved users.
    1. Under Event URL, enter a customized event URL path.
      • You cannot use symbols, spaces, or special characters.
      • There is a maximum of 256 characters.
      • The custom URL link will be active after you publish.
    2. Click Update to save the custom URL path.
    3. Use the following actions:
      • Copy Link: Copy the customized event URL to share with others. You can make the link accessible to others by copying it.
      • Copy Invitation: Copy the full invitation text.
      • Send Invitation to Me: Send a preview of the invitation email to yourself.
    4. (Optional) Click Edit Custom Event URL to edit your custom URL path.
  7. Select the Registration Required checkbox to set up a registration link.
    When this checkbox is selected, the Attendees will be required to authenticate at time of join checkbox will also automatically be selected.
    • Click Control confirmation email configurations to manage your confirmation emails in the Emails tab.
      Once an attendee registers, a confirmation email will be sent.
  8. Click Customize features to manage the available features for your event.
  9. Under Attendees will be required to authenticate at registration, click the dropdown menu and select from the following options:
    Note: The authentication will impact how your registrants will identify themselves and will use restrictions on who can register for your event.
    • Sign in with Zoom or authenticate over email OTP: Users must sign in with their Zoom account and use a one-time password (OTP).
    • Sign in with Zoom: Users must sign in with their Zoom account.
    • Accelerate authentication with (vanity URL): If your organization has a vanity URL with Zoom, you can enable this option to direct attendees to the vanity URL (after attendees click the group join link) instead of Zoom's sign-in page to accelerate authentication.
    • Authenticated via Identity Provider (external SSO): Users must authenticate through a third-party authentication service.
      • Under Select IDP, use the dropdown menu to select the external authentication profile.
        Registrants/attendees will be taken to the host's identity provider (IDP) website for authentication before accessing the event page/event lobby. Additionally, the event’s join link will also direct users to the host's IDP website for authentication instead of asking them to sign in to Zoom.
        • The dropdown menu will be blank if no external SSO authentication profile is available in the host’s account.
        • A pre-join page will be enabled for attendees who joined without registration.
  10. (Optional) Select the Apply Allow List checkbox, and then add restrictions to your event by allowing certain users on the allow list to join your event.
    After adding an allow list, only users on the allow list will be able to view and register for this event.
    Note: Specified users can only register once and cannot register on behalf of others.
    • To add all users from a specified domain to your event’s invite list:
      1. Click Add domain.
      2. Enter a valid domain.
        Note: For example, to invite all members of the ABC company (with members having email addresses), add as the domain. If you have multiple domains, separate them by commas in the text box.
      3. Click Save.
    • To import multiple specified domains to your event's invite list:
      1. Click Add domain.
        A pop-up window will appear.
      2. In the window, select Import domains from CSV.
      3. Drag and drop a CSV file into the window, or click Choose Files to find the CSV file you want to import, then click Open.
        Note: Maximum items must be less than 20,000 per CSV file. The new imports will be added to the existing records.
      4. Once the CSV file has been imported, click Save.
        The number of added specific domains will appear under Allow List.
      5. (Optional) To the right of the specified domains, click View.
        The invited domain list will appear.
      6. Manage your allowed domains:
        • View your allowed domain list or search for domains.
        • Delete individual domains:
          1. To the right of a domain, click the trash icon .
          2. In the confirmation window, click Delete.
        • Delete multiple domains:
          1. In the allowed domain list, select the domain checkboxes that you want.
          2. (Optional) Select the Domain checkbox to select all checkboxes.
          3. At the top of the box, click Delete.
          4. In the confirmation window, click Delete.
    • To add users to your event's invite list by email:
      Note: Only users added to the invite list can view and register for this ticket type.
      1. Click Add email address.
        An Add Users to Invite List pop-up window will appear.
      2. Under Enter email addresses, enter email addresses of the users you want to invite, then press Enter. Click X by a user’s email address to remove the user.
      3. Click Save.
      4. (Optional) Click Add to add more users by email.
      5. (Optional) Click View to view your guest list, search for guests, or delete email addresses.
    • To import multiple users' emails to your event's invite list:
      1. Click Add email address.
        An Add Users to Invite List pop-up window will appear.
      2. In the window, select Import email addresses from CSV.
      3. Drag and drop the CSV file into the window, or click Choose Files to find the CSV file you want to import, then click Open.
        Note: Maximum items must be less than 5,000 per CSV file. The new imports will be added to the existing records.
      4. Once the CSV file has been imported, click Save.
        The number of added specific users will appear under Allow List.
      5. (Optional) To the right of the number of specified email addresses, click View.
        The invited user list will appear.
      6. Manage your invited users:
        • View your invited user list or search for invited users.
        • Delete individual users:
          1. To the right of a user, click the trash icon .
          2. In the confirmation window, click Delete.
        • Delete multiple users:
          1. In the invited user list, select the user checkboxes that you want.
          2. (Optional) Select the Email checkbox to select all checkboxes.
          3. At the top of the box, click Delete.
          4. In the confirmation window, click Delete.
  11. (Optional) Under Security at Join, select the following options:
    Note: Zoom users must sign in to Zoom when joining the event.
    • If you selected the Sign in with a Zoom account or authenticate over email OTP option from step 8, select from the following options:
      • Select the Require authentication checkbox.
        Attendees will be required to authenticate with the email that was used at registration when joining.
      • Select the Zoom users: require additional authentication through a security code checkbox.
        Attendees will be required to confirm a one-time password (OTP) after authenticating when joining.
    • If you selected the Sign in with Zoom or Accelerate authentication with (vanity URL) options from step 7, select the following option:
      • Select the Require authentication checkbox.
        Attendees will be required to authenticate with the email that was used at registration when joining.
      • Select the Require additional authentication through a security code checkbox.
        Attendees will be required to confirm a one-time password (OTP) after authenticating when joining.
  12. If you're setting up event access for a recurring sessions event, select from the following under How do attendees register for sessions?:
    • Attendees register once and can attend any of the occurrences: Registrants can attend all of the occurrences. All dates and times of the webinar will be listed and the registrant will be registered for all occurrences.
    • Attendees need to register for each occurrence to attend: Registrants need to register separately for each occurrence to attend. They can only choose one date and time on the registrant page.
    • Attendees register once and can choose one or more occurrences to attend: Registrants register once and can choose one or more occurrences to attend. They will need to select which dates and times they would like to attend and they will only be registered for those occurrences. They can choose multiple options.
  13. Under Is this registration free or paid? , select from the following options:
    • Free: You don’t need to set a ticket price for your event.
    • Paid: You need to set a ticket price.
  14. If you're setting up event access for a recurring sessions event, set the Price per session amount.
  15. Proceed to the Tracking and geo-blocking section.

Complete the Tracking and geo-blocking section

Hosts can generate a unique event link for each keyword and track the metrics on registrants’ and visitors’ event views through each link. Source tracking lets you see where your registrants are coming from if you share the event registration page in multiple locations. You can create unique source tracking links for each type of medium and keyword you use to invite attendees. For example, you can share one source tracking link on Facebook and another on Twitter, to see which platform users register from.

You can create up to 100 unique registration URLs for different platforms and share that unique link to track how many people visit the registration page and how many people complete the registration. Source tracking links are automatically generated and the unique URL cannot be customized.


  1. Under Source tracking (Max 100), click + Add Source to create unique source tracking links for each type of medium and keyword you use to invite attendees.
    Note: Source tracking is available after an event is published.
    1. Click + Add Source.
    2. Under Source Tracking Name, enter a source name (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, and so on).
      Your source name will appear in the Source Tracking Link list.
    3. (Optional) Under the source tracking link, click Delete Source to delete the source tracking link.
      Registrants will no longer be tracked.
    4. (Optional) After you save the registration link settings, use the following options that have become available:
      • Click Copy Registration Link to copy the link.
      • Edit the name for the source tracking link.
      • Under all source tracking links, click See Performance.
        You will be directed to the Analytics Registration & Ticketing tab to view the source tracking metrics.
  2. Under Geo-blocking, use the dropdown menu to select the countries or regions where users won't be allowed to register for this event. Ticket availability will be limited to users outside of these countries and regions only. The availability of Zoom Events is determined by the geographic location of the user.
    • External registrations (via pre-registration) won't be affected by geo-blocking.
    • Geo-blocking restrictions can be modified after the event has been published. This will affect all future registrations. It is the host's responsibility to confirm if the updated geo-blocking restrictions follow compliance for all existing registrations.
    • India is added to the geo-blocking list by default based on location requirements. If removed, additional business information may be needed. If the event is open to India, hosts must add information about their business to the hub. The first time a host includes India as a country that is allowed to register for their event, the host will have to add information about their business after clicking Save. Only free events can be made open to India.
  3. Proceed to the Registration experience section.

Complete the Registration experience section

  1. Edit the Custom landing page to configure settings and create a customized landing page for your event.
    Registration links will start with attendees accessing this page.
    • Click Edit landing page to customize the event landing page.
    • Click Preview landing page to view the landing page in another browser tab from the attendee's point of view.
  2. If enabled from the Customize features panel, add promo codes or require users to authenticate to view personalized offers on your landing page. Learn more about customizing promo codes and offers.
  3. Proceed to the Registration page features section.

Complete the Registration page features section

Note: Ensure that these features are enabled in the Customize features panel.

  1. Under Top of registration page details, provide any additional details registrants should know before registering.
    This will be displayed on the registration page beneath the event name and date.
    Note: There is a 10000-character limit.
  2. Under Customize registration questions, click Edit questions to set custom registration questions for all of your ticket types, and customize registration forms within each ticket type. Select the details you want registrants to include during the registration process and create a questionnaire for them to answer during the registration process.
    Note: Registration questions can be created or modified to include future registrants at any time during an event's lifecycle (in the draft phase, after publication, or up until the lobby closes). Once an event is published, an event organizer will be able to add, change, or delete registration questions.
      1. Registrant's Details tab: Under the Field column, select the checkbox(es) next to the detail(s) you want registrants to provide when they register for the event; if the registrant is required to provide the detail(s) you selected, select the checkbox under the Required column.
        • (Optional) At the top of the window, select the box next to Field and/or Required to select all the boxes under their respective column.
      2. Custom Questions tab: Click + New Question to add questions to your survey; you can use different question formats to get feedback on what's most important to you.
      3. Click Save All to save your settings.
  3. (Optional) Under Custom host message for registrants, enter a message for your registrants.
    This message will be shown to registrants before they complete registration.
    Note: There is a 10000-character limit.
    • (Optional) Use the rich text component to customize your body text's appearance and use Zoom AI features.
    • (Optional) Select the Require acceptance to register checkbox to add a terms requirement checkbox for registration.
      • After selecting the checkbox, click the dropdown and select the pre-configured response options for attendees.
  4. Under Marketing consent, give external registrants the option to receive marketing communications when they register for your event:
    • I want to ask external registrants to opt-in or opt-out for marketing communications: Select to allow Zoom Sessions to capture marketing consent from attendees.
      • Opt-in: Select to give external registrants the option to receive marketing communications. The Opt-in checkbox will not be selected by default on the registration page. Attendees will need to check a box to opt in to marketing.
      • Opt-out: Select to give external registrants the option to not receive marketing communications. The Opt-in checkbox will be selected by default on the registration page. Attendees will need to uncheck a box to opt out of marketing.
    • I don’t want to ask external registrants to opt-in or opt-out for marketing communications: Select if you do not need Zoom Sessions to capture marketing consent from attendees. Attendees will not be asked if they want to opt-in to marketing.
  5. Under Privacy Policy link, upload up to 3 privacy policies for your event. Your organization’s privacy policy will appear when users register for your event.
    1. Under Privacy Policy link, click + Add.
      A text box will appear.
    2. In the text box, enter the URL of your privacy policy.
    3. (Optional) Repeat steps to add up to two more privacy policy links.
    4. (Optional) Click the delete icon to delete a privacy policy link.
  6. After you complete the configuration for all link sections, click Create Event Access. If you are editing the link, click Update.

Customize registration features

  1. Under the Registration required checkbox, click Customize features.
    A panel will appear.
  2. In the panel, enable or disable features for your event by clicking the following feature toggles:
    • Source tracking
    • Geo-blocking
      Note: To remove India geo-blocking, you need to provide business info and opt-in to share them with your registrants. Click Edit business information.
    • Customize offers and promo codes
      • This feature only applies to paid single full session and free/paid multi-session events at this time.
      • If you turn this feature off and save, any content you added will be removed.
    • Top of registration page details
    • Customize registration questions
    • Custom host message for registrants
    • Marketing consent
    • Privacy Policy link
    • Security questions for self-registrants
  3. Click Save.
  4. (Optional) Click Reset default settings to reset all toggles to their default state.

Manage additional security questions

Registrants must enter an answer to one of the challenge questions at registration and enter the same answer upon joining the event. Only the registrant will have the answer.


  1. Under the Additional security section, click Manage security questions.
    A panel will appear.
  2. In the panel, click the Display security questions for self-registrants toggle to enable it. This feature is applicable to self-registration, excluding pre-registration and API registration.
    When enabled, a list of security questions will appear.
  3. Under Customized Questions, click + Add Customized Questions.
    A text box will appear.
  4. In the text box, enter your custom security question.
  5. Press Enter.
    The security question will appear under the Customized Questions section in the editing panel.
  6. (Optional) Repeat steps 4-6 to add more customized security questions.
  7. (Optional) In the editing panel, hover your mouse over a custom security question, then complete the following actions:
    • Click the pencil icon to edit your custom question.
    • Click the trash icon to delete your custom question.
  8. Click Save.

Create event access without registration (group join link)

Group join links can be used to invite groups of users with the same authentication and access rules. The attendee group specified by the chosen authentication can join the event without registration. Unauthorized users will be blocked from accessing the event.

If you want to customize authentication, permissions, or specific individual links, use pre-registration.

Create a group join link with authentication

  1. Access the Links & Event Access page.
  2. At the bottom of the page, click Create Event Access.
    You will be directed to the event access setup.
  3. Under Link Name, enter a name for the link.
  4. (Optional) Depending on its status, choose from the following options:
    • Click Set as Default Link to use this group join link as the default event link.
      The default link ensures compatibility with the event links that are used throughout the attendee experience. These existing event links will operate as a registration link or group join link based upon the default setting.
    • Click Remove Default Link to remove the link's default status.
  5. (Optional) After you save the registration link settings, under the Link field, use the following actions:
    • Click Copy Link to copy the link.
    • For single-session events (only), under Send invitation via, send the event invitation/details through Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar (.ics), and Yahoo Calendar to transfer event information directly from the event creation setup to your third-party calendar.
      After you click Google Calendar or Yahoo Calendar, you will be redirected to the respective calendar event creation page with prefilled information. After you click Outlook Calendar (.ics), an ICS file will download.
  6. (Optional) If you have a customized branding domain for Zoom Events set up, select the Customize Event URL to define the custom URL for each group join link within the event creation setup.
    If you want Zoom Events to automatically create a link for you, select the Auto-generated Event URL option.
    Note: The Customize Event URL feature is currently in beta and is only available for approved users.
    1. Under Event URL, enter a customized event URL path.
      • You cannot use symbols, spaces, or special characters.
      • There is a maximum of 256 characters.
      • The custom URL link will be active after you publish.
    2. Click Update to save the custom URL path.
    3. Use the following actions:
      • Copy Link: Copy the customized event URL to share with others. You can make the link accessible to others by copying it.
      • Copy Invitation: Copy the full invitation text.
      • Send Invitation to Me: Send a preview of the invitation email to yourself.
    4. (Optional) Click Custom Event URL to edit your custom URL path.
  7. Select the Attendees will be required to authenticate at registration checkbox, then click the dropdown menu and select from the following options:
    Note: The authentication will impact how your registrants will identify themselves and will use restrictions on who can register for your event.
    • Sign in with a Zoom account or authenticate over email OTP: Users must sign in with their Zoom account and use a one-time password (OTP).
    • Sign in with Zoom: Users must sign in with their Zoom account.
    • Accelerate authentication with (vanity URL): If your organization has a vanity URL with Zoom, you can enable this option to direct attendees to the vanity URL (after attendees click the group join link) instead of Zoom's sign-in page to accelerate authentication.
    • Authenticated via Identity Provider (external SSO): Users must authenticate through a third-party authentication service.
      • Under Select IDP, use the dropdown menu to select the external authentication profile.
        Registrants/attendees will be taken to the host's identity provider (IDP) website for authentication before accessing the event page/event lobby. Additionally, the event’s join link will also direct users to the host's IDP website for authentication instead of asking them to sign in to Zoom.
        • The dropdown menu will be blank if no external SSO authentication profile is available in the host’s account.
        • A pre-join page will be enabled for attendees who joined without registration.
  8. (Optional) Select the Configure Allow List checkbox, and then add restrictions to your event by allowing certain users on the allow list to join your event.
    After adding an allow list, only users on the allow list will be able to view and register for this event.
    Note: Specified users can only register once and cannot register on behalf of others.
    • To add all users from a specified domain to your event’s invite list:
      1. Click Add domain.
      2. Enter a valid domain.
        Note: For example, to invite all members of the ABC company (with members having email addresses), add as the domain. If you have multiple domains, separate them by commas in the text box.
      3. Click Save.
    • To import multiple specified domains to your event's invite list:
      1. Click Add domain.
        A pop-up window will appear.
      2. In the window, select Import domains from CSV.
      3. Drag and drop a CSV file into the window, or click Choose Files to find the CSV file you want to import, then click Open.
        Note: Maximum items must be less than 20,000 per CSV file. The new imports will be added to the existing records.
      4. Once the CSV file has been imported, click Save.
        The number of added specific domains will appear under Allow List.
      5. (Optional) To the right of the specified domains, click View.
        The invited domain list will appear.
      6. Manage your allowed domains:
        • View your allowed domain list or search for domains.
        • Delete individual domains:
          1. To the right of a domain, click the trash icon .
          2. In the confirmation window, click Delete.
        • Delete multiple domains:
          1. In the allowed domain list, select the domain checkboxes that you want.
          2. (Optional) Select the Domain checkbox to select all checkboxes.
          3. At the top of the box, click Delete.
          4. In the confirmation window, click Delete.
    • To add users to your event's invite list by email:
      Note: Only users added to the invite list can view and register for this ticket type.
      1. Click Add email address.
        An Add Users to Invite List pop-up window will appear.
      2. Under Enter email addresses, enter email addresses of the users you want to invite, then press Enter. Click X by a user’s email address to remove the user.
      3. Click Save.
      4. (Optional) Click Add to add more users by email.
      5. (Optional) Click View to view your guest list, search for guests, or delete email addresses.
    • To import multiple users' emails to your event's invite list:
      1. Click Add email address.
        An Add Users to Invite List pop-up window will appear.
      2. In the window, select Import email addresses from CSV.
      3. Drag and drop the CSV file into the window, or click Choose Files to find the CSV file you want to import, then click Open.
        Note: Maximum items must be less than 5,000 per CSV file. The new imports will be added to the existing records.
      4. Once the CSV file has been imported, click Save.
        The number of added specific users will appear under Allow List.
      5. (Optional) To the right of the number of specified email addresses, click View.
        The invited user list will appear.
      6. Manage your invited users:
        • View your invited user list or search for invited users.
        • Delete individual users:
          1. To the right of a user, click the trash icon .
          2. In the confirmation window, click Delete.
        • Delete multiple users:
          1. In the invited user list, select the user checkboxes that you want.
          2. (Optional) Select the Email checkbox to select all checkboxes.
          3. At the top of the box, click Delete.
          4. In the confirmation window, click Delete.
  9. (Optional) Under Security at Join, select the following options:
    Note: Zoom users must sign in to Zoom when joining the event.
    • If you selected the Sign in with a Zoom account or authenticate over email OTP option from step 4, select from the following options:
      • Select the Zoom users: require additional authentication through a security code checkbox.
        Attendees will be required to confirm a one-time password (OTP) after authenticating when joining.
      • Select the Email verification code users: require to authenticate checkbox.
        Zoom users must authenticate themselves with an email verification code upon joining an event.
    • If you selected the Sign in with Zoom or Accelerate authentication with (vanity URL) options from step 4, select the following option:
      • Select the Require additional authentication through a security code checkbox.
        Attendees will be required to confirm a one-time password (OTP) after authenticating when joining.
  10. For paid events, under Ticket Type, click the dropdown menu and select the ticket (that you created in the Ticketing tab) you want to include in the group join link.
    Note: This section establishes the access permissions of the user within the event.
  11. After you complete the configuration for all group join link sections, click Create Event Access. If you are editing the link, click Update.

How to use additional actions for links

After you create event links, you can use additional actions for those links.

  1. Access the Links & Event Access page.
  2. To the right of a registration link you want to manage, click the ellipsis , then choose from the following actions:
  3. To the right of a group join link you want to manage, click the ellipsis , then choose from the following actions:

How to manage the cancellation policy

If this is a paid event, set the ticket cancellation policy. By default, it will use the policies set in the ticket Cancellation Policy section of your account.

  1. Access the Links & Event Access page.
  2. In the top-right corner, click Cancellation Policy.
    A panel will appear.
  3. In the panel, select from the following options:
  4. Click Save.

How to manage security questions

Registrants must enter an answer to one of the challenge questions at registration and enter the same answer upon joining the event. Only the registrant will have the answer.

Enable or disable security questions

  1. Access the Links & Event Access page.
  2. Set up your event authentication.
  3. At the top of the Links & Event Access page, click Manage Security Questions.
    A panel will appear.
  4. In the panel, click the Security Question for self-registrants toggle to enable or disable it.
    Note: This feature is applicable to self-registration, excluding pre-registration and API registration.
    When enabled, a list of security questions will appear.

Customize security questions

  1. In the Links & Event Access tab, enable the security questions setting for your event in the editing panel.
  2. Under Customized Questions, click + Add Customized Questions.
    A text box will appear.
  3. In the text box, enter your custom security question.
  4. Click Save.
    The security question will appear in the editing panel.
  5. (Optional) Repeat steps 2-4 to add more customized security questions.
  6. (Optional) In the editing panel, hover your mouse over a custom security question, then complete the following actions: