Coaching with Zoom Revenue Accelerator

Those with the Sales Supervisor role or any custom roles with Scorecard Management permission can create scorecards for others to use in rating or reviewing others' conversations. Scorecards can contain up to 20 questions. Additionally, a comment section can also be added to all or selected questions.

You can create multiple types of questions, such as custom questions with yes/no answers, rating scales, and single-choice responses. The scorecards allow users to react to specific moments of a Sales Representative’s conversation using a time-stamped comment and allows users to score not only the host but also the other participants in the conversation. This enables users to provide feedback to Sales Representatives even if they are not the host of that conversation.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for coaching with Zoom Revenue Accelerator

How to manage a scorecard

Create a scorecard

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Revenue Accelerator then Coaching.
  3. Click the Scorecards tab.
  4. In the top right corner, click Create Scorecard.
    You will be directed to the scorecard creation setup.
  5. Provide a name and a description for this scorecard.
  6. Edit the section:
    • Click Section to edit the section name, then press Enter.
    • Click the arrow to adjust the section's direction.
    • Click the ellipsis , then select from the following actions:
      • Rename: Rename the section name.
      • Move: Select if you want the section to Move Up or Move Down.
      • Duplicate: Duplicate this section.
      • Delete: Delete this section. If a confirmation window appears, click Delete.
        Note: The content in this section will not be saved.
  7. Click + Add Questions, then edit the question in the section:
    • In the Untitled text box, enter a question.
    • In the question box's top-right corner, click the dropdown menu and select the question format:
      • Yes/No: Users can give a Yes or No option.
        • If an N/A option is selected, points for this question will be excluded from the total score calculation.
      • Rating Scale: Users can only assess with given numerical scales. Respondents will have a 1-10 rating scale, representing Not at all likely to Extremely likely.
      • Single Choice: Users can select from a single choice.
    • (Optional) For each question, choose from the following:
      • Edit question Points: Rank each corresponding answer option with points.
      • + Add option: Add another answer choice that the user can select.
      • + Add N/A option: If the N/A option is selected, points for this question will be excluded from the total score calculation.
    • (Optional) Enable or disable the Comment toggle to add a comment section to the selected question.
    • (Optional) Enable or disable the Auto-zero options to configure answers leading the entire scorecard to be given a zero score.
      • Auto-zero options apply to such as the following scenarios:
        Note: If an auto-zero option is selected, the participant will receive a score of 0.
        1. Unacceptable behavior that violates your policies.
        2. Lack of fundamental or essential selling skills that could negatively affect sales deals.
  8. (Optional) Click + Add Questions to create another question for the scorecard.
    Note: Each scorecard can have up to 20 questions max.
  9. (Optional) Click + Add Section to add another section to the scorecard.
  10. After you're finished completing the scorecard information, select from the following options:
    • Publish: Publish the scorecard you created.
    • Preview: Answer questions and preview the user's score to test the scorecard configuration.
    • Save as Draft: Save the scorecards as a draft and edit it later. It will appear in the Scorecards tab with a Draft status.

Edit a scorecard

Note: You can only edit scorecards that have a Draft status.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Revenue Accelerator then Coaching.
  3. Click the Scorecards tab.
  4. To the right of the scorecard you want to remove, click the ellipsis , then click Edit.
  5. Edit the scorecard details.
  6. After you're finished completing the scorecard information, select from the following options:
    • Publish: Publish the scorecard you created.
    • Preview: Answer questions and preview the user's score to test the scorecard configuration.
    • Save as Draft: Save the scorecards as a draft and edit it later. It will appear in the Scorecards tab with a Draft status.

View a scorecard

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Revenue Accelerator then Coaching.
  3. Click the Scorecards tab.
  4. To the right of the scorecard you want to remove, click the ellipsis , then click View scorecard.
    You will be directed to the scorecard viewing page, where you can Make a copy, Preview, or Delete the scorecard.

Duplicate a scorecard

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Revenue Accelerator then Coaching.
  3. Click the Scorecards tab.
  4. To the right of the scorecard you want to duplicate, click the ellipsis , then click Make a copy.
  5. Edit the duplicated scorecard details.
  6. After you're finished completing the scorecard information, select from the following options:
    • Publish: Publish the scorecard you created.
    • Preview: Answer questions and preview the user's score to test the scorecard configuration.
    • Save as Draft: Save the scorecards as a draft and edit it later. It will appear in the Scorecards tab with a Draft status.

Delete a scorecard

Delete a single scorecard

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Revenue Accelerator then Coaching.
  3. Click the Scorecards tab.
  4. To the right of the scorecard you want to remove, click the ellipsis , then click Discard (for drafts) or Delete (for published scorecards).
    A confirmation window will appear.
  5. In the window, click Delete to confirm the scorecard deletion.
    Note: This action cannot be undone.

Delete multiple scorecards

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Revenue Accelerator then Coaching.
  3. Click the Scorecards tab.
  4. Select multiple scorecards' checkboxes.
    • To select all scorecards' checkboxes, at the top of the page, select the Scorecards checkbox.
  5. At the top of the page, click Delete.
    A confirmation window will appear.
  6. In the window, click Remove.
    Note: This action cannot be undone.

How to use the scorecard for scoring a conversation

Once created by a supervisor, teammates can score each other's conversations with the scorecards provided. This allows you to provide valuable feedback on various skills or methods used during the meeting.

  1. When viewing someone’s conversation recording, click the Coaching tab.
  2. Click Start Coaching to score a participant in this conversation.
  3. Select the participant you want to score, then click Next.
  4. Search for and select an available scorecard, then click Next.
  5. Read through each question provided and choose an answer to score the conversation based on the question or add a comment if applicable.
  6. Click Submit.
    As the host of that conversation, you can view your overall aggregate score from all scorecards, as well as click View Details to view individual scores from colleagues.

Note: Only the host of the conversation can see all the scorecard results for their conversations.