Setting up the Zoom Contact Center ServiceNow Integration

The Zoom Contact Center ServiceNow Integration allows agents to access Zoom Contact Center voice functionality from ServiceNow. 

Before agents can use the integration, admins need to set up and configure the ServiceNow integration from the ServiceNow admin portal and Zoom web portal.

Note: This integration currently supports the Zoom Contact Center voice, video and chat channels.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for setting up Zoom Contact Center ServiceNow Integration

How to install the Zoom Contact Center ServiceNow Integration app

Sign in to the ServiceNow admin portal and install the Zoom Contact Center for ServiceNow Integration app from the ServiceNow store.

Learn more about installing a ServiceNow app.

How to configure ServiceNow OpenFrame to create an interaction for outbound calls

  1. Sign in to the ServiceNow admin portal.
  2. In the navigator, enter sys_properties.list to display a list of system properties.
  3. In the search box at the top, enter sn_openframe.create_interaction.
  4. If you see an entry, make sure the value is set to true.
  5. Click the name to bring up the editor window.
  6. Change the value to true and then click Update.

For more information see the ServiceNow article about the Integration Management Service. If you are using another OpenFrame configuration in conjunction with the Zoom Contact Center configuration, this setting may affect the other application as it changes what happens when a click-to-dial event is generated by ServiceNow. Consult with all users using the click-to-dial feature before making a change.

How to configure the connection between ServiceNow and Zoom Contact Center

You will need to create an OAuth client within ServiceNow to facilitate the connection between Zoom Contact Center and ServiceNow. This OAuth client will be used when you configure the integration in Zoom Contact Center.

  1. Sign in to the ServiceNow admin portal.
  2. In the navigator, search for oauth.
  3. Under System OAuth, click Application Registry.
  4. Click New.
  5. Click Create an OAuth API endpoint for external clients.
    Note: The default values for most of the fields should be acceptable. Other fields will be filled after the client is created.
  6. Enter the following:
  7. Click Submit.

How to configure OpenFrame

The Zoom Contact Center ServiceNow Integration uses the OpenFrame API from ServiceNow, so you need to configure OpenFrame as part of the installation and setup.

  1. Sign in to the ServiceNow admin portal.
  2. In the navigator, search for openframe.
  3. Under OpenFrame, click Configurations.
  4. Click New to create a new configuration.
  5. In the Name field, enter a display name for the configuration. 
  6. Enter the following values for these fields:
    • Title: Zoom Contact Center
    • Subtitle: Softphone UI
    • Width: 650
    • Height: 650
    • Icon Class: icon-phone
    • URL:
    • Active checkbox: Make sure this check box is selected.
  7. Save the new configuration.


How to configure ServiceNow user roles required by the Zoom Contact Center integration type

This section discusses the roles that need to be assigned to the ServiceNow users that will use the Zoom Contact Center integration.  These roles are required to ensure that the Servicenow users have the appropriate roles/access within ServiceNow to match the automation within Zoom Contact Center.


For any integration between Zoom Contact Center and ServiceNow (CSM or ITSM), the integration app requires the following role for the agent user: sn_openframe_user.


When you configure your ServiceNow integration in Zoom Contact Center for ITSM you are allowed to select between two screen pop options for use when the User is not found.

Role required: user_admin


Role required: sn_customerservice.consumer_agent

Post Installation Configuration

If the integration is set up for the first time, it is mandatory to perform the below mentioned configuration. Otherwise, please make sure the below mentioned configuration is available in your ServiceNow instance.

  1. Add the Video Interaction Type. To support the video call functionality of the Zoom Contact Center application a new type needs to be added for interactions. Follow the steps regarding modifying dictionary entries mentioned here to add the new type for Interactions:
    • Specify the label as Video and the value as zcc_video
  1. Enable ZCC Custom Interaction View Rule CWS and add the UX View Rules Configuration
  2. In the navigator of ServiceNow, search for View Rule and click Workspace View Rule. You should search for the workspace view rule that is named as ZCC Custom Interaction.
  3. Click ZCC Custom Interaction View Rule CWS. View the rule and enable the Active flag.
  4. Click Edit at the bottom of the screen.
    A popup window will appear with a list of UX View rule configurations.
  5. In the Collection panel, Select CSM/FSM Configurable Workspace View Rule Config and move it to the right side for selection.
  6. Click Save to update the UX View Rule Configuration.
  7. Enable the ZCC Custom Interaction View Rule for HR and add the UX View Rules Configuration.
  8. In the navigator of ServiceNow, search for View Rule and click Workspace View Rule. You should search for the workspace view rule that is named as ZCC Custom Interaction.
  9. Click ZCC Custom Interaction View Rule for HR, then view the rule and enable the Active flag.
  10. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the screen.
    A popup window will appear with a list of UX View rule configurations.
  11. In the Collection panel, click HR Workspace View ConfigId and move it to the right side for selection.
  12. Click Save to update the UX View Rule Configuration.

How to enable the ServiceNow CRM integration and add the ServiceNow OAuth connection

In this section, we will establish the oAuth connection between the Zoom Contact Center and ServiceNow. Zoom Contact Center uses this oAuth connection to facilitate the integration, including features such as user/consumer/contact lookup, screen pop, creating/updating Interaction records and phone call log records. We recommend that you use a ServiceNow service account to establish this connection and that you name the service account such that it identifies as Zoom Contact Center.  This will be beneficial to your users that are using the integration as they will see that the objects created by the Zoom Contact Center automation are listed as being created by ‘Zoom Contact Center’.

A ServiceNow admin must authorize the Zoom Contact Center service with the ServiceNow CRM application to enable the Zoom agent experience in ServiceNow.

Note: Before starting, you must contact Zoom Support to enable the ServiceNow integrations menu in the Zoom web portal.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Integrations.
  3. In the Applications tab, click Add Integration.
  4. On the Select application page, specify the following:
    • Choose the external application you would like to connect with: Select ServiceNow.
    • Select connection method: select OAuth.
  5. Click Next.
  6. On the Setup your external application page, specify the following:
    • Name your connection: Enter ServiceNow. This name will be used to refer to this URL inside the Zoom Contact Center application instance.
    • Subdomain: Enter the subdomain for your ServiceNow instance.
  7. Click Login to ServiceNow.
    To establish your connection, you will be taken to the ServiceNow sign-in screen (if you are not already signed in).
  8. Click Allow if prompted
    In the Zoom web portal, you will see the message Zoom Contact Center has successfully connected to ServiceNow.
  9. At the bottom of the screen, click Next.
    You will be shown the Chanel Setup screen.
  10. In the Channel Setup screen, select the required channels. Once the required channels are selected, channel configuration can be started by clicking the Start Setup button.
    You will be shown the Channel configuration screen where you are asked to fill out information that will affect how the Zoom Contact Center ServiceNow integration interacts with your ServiceNow instance.

How to enable the Screen Pop feature (voice)

  1. In the Application type(s) check box field, select the type of ServiceNow configuration you have (ITSM or CSM or ITSM/CSM).
    Note: This will impact what selections you are allowed to make on the rest of the form. If you change your Application type(s) selection all other fields will have their values reset.
  2. For the Caller Search setting, change the following. See below sections for example settings for ITSM and CSM.
    • Caller ID and Flow Variables provides options to choose either caller id/phone number or available flow variables for caller search
    • Entity : Determines which objects in ServiceNow are searched when a call is made
    • Field : Determines which fields on the Entity are queried when looking for a caller match.
    • You should be able to add multiple Caller search settings with either AND/OR conditions.
  3. For the Context Search setting change the following
    • Flow Variables provides options to choose the available flow variables for context search which can be used to identify customers using the IVR voice response during the call.
    • Entity Determines which objects in ServiceNow are searched when a call is made.
    • Field Determines which fields on the Entity are queried for context search
    • You should be able to add multiple context search settings with either ‘AND” or ‘OR’ condition.
  4. For the No match scenario, you should be able to select What action to be taken and When action need to be taken to control what screen is popped when its unable to locate the caller.
  5. For the Screen pop settings, you should be able to select when should the screen pop ie during call ringing vs After call answered
  6. Next select Automatic call logging and Automatic save of recording URL if you want to save the call log and recording URL into Servicenow.
  7. Click Save.
    You will be redirected to the integrations screen and you should see the ServiceNow integration listed.You will be able to see a column Configuration that indicates whether the configuration setting for enabled channel is complete.

ITSM example settings

Application type: IT Service Management (ITSM)

Caller Search settings

Caller ID and Flow VariablesEntityField
Phone Numbersys_userphone
Phone Numbersys_usermobile_phone
Phone Numbersys_userhome_phone

CSM example settings

Application type: Customer Service Management (CSM)

Caller Search settings

Caller ID and Flow VariablesEntityField

How to enable the Screen Pop feature (video)

  1. the Application type(s) check box field, select the type of ServiceNow configuration you have (ITSM or CSM or ITSM/CSM).
    Note: This will impact what selections you are allowed to make on the rest of the form. If you change your Application type(s) selection all other fields will have their values reset.
  2. For the Screen pop Caller Search setting, change the following. See below sections for example settings for ITSM and CSM
    • Flow Variables: Select the Global or custom variable that captures the email address from the consumer via script widget on the flow
    • Entity: Determines which objects in ServiceNow are searched when a call is made.
    • Field: Determines which fields on the Entity are queried when looking for a caller match.
    • You should be able to add multiple Caller search settings with AND/OR conditions.
  3. For the Context Search setting change the following
    • Flow Variables: Select the Global or custom variable that captures the email address from the consumer via script widget on the flow
    • Entity: Determines which objects in ServiceNow are searched when a call is made.
    • Field: Determines which fields on the Entity are queried for context search
    • You should be able to add multiple context search settings with AND/OR conditions.
  4. For the No match scenario, you should be able to select What action to be taken and When action need to be taken to control what screen is popped when it's unable to locate the caller.
  5. For the Screen pop settings, you should be able to select when should the screen pop ie during call ringing vs After call answered
  6. Next select Automatic call logging and Automatic save of recording URL if you want to save the call log and recording URL into Servicenow.
  7. Click Save Next.
    You will be redirected to the integrations screen and you should see the ServiceNow integration listed.You will be able to see a column Configuration that indicates whether the configuration setting for enabled channel is complete.

ITSM example settings

Application type: IT Service Management (ITSM)

Caller Search settings

Caller ID and Flow VariablesEntityField

CSM example settings

Application type: Customer Service Management (CSM)

Caller Search settings

Caller ID and Flow VariablesEntityField

How to enable the Screen Pop feature (chat)

  1. the Application type(s) check box field, select the type of ServiceNow configuration you have (ITSM or CSM or ITSM/CSM).
    Note: This will impact what selections you are allowed to make on the rest of the form. If you change your Application type(s) selection all other fields will have their values reset.
  2. For the Screen pop Caller Search setting, change the following. See below sections for example settings for ITSM and CSM
    • Flow Variables Select the Global or custom variable that captures the email address from the consumer via script widget on the flow
    • Entity: Determines which objects in ServiceNow are searched when a call is made.
    • Field: Determines which fields on the Entity are queried when looking for a caller match.
    • You should be able to add multiple Caller search settings with AND/OR conditions.
  3. For the Context Search setting change the following
    • Flow Variables Select the Global or custom variable that captures the email address from the consumer via welcome screen.
    • Entity Determines which objects in ServiceNow are searched when a call is made.
    • Field Determines which fields on the Entity are queried for context search
    • You should be able to add multiple context search settings with AND/OR conditions.
  4. For the No match scenario, you should be able to select What action to be taken and When action need to be taken to control what screen is popped when it's unable to locate the caller.
  5. For the Screen pop settings, you should be able to select when should the screen pop ie during call ringing vs After call answered
  6. Next select Automatic call logging and Automatic save of recording URL if you want to save the call log and recording URL into Servicenow.
  7. Click Save Next.
    You will be redirected to the integrations screen and you should see the ServiceNow integration listed.You will be able to see a column Configuration that indicates whether the configuration setting for enabled channel is complete.

ITSM example 

Application type: IT Service Management (ITSM)

Caller Search settings

Caller ID and Flow VariablesEntityField

CSM example

Application type: Customer Service Management (CSM)

Caller Search settings

Caller ID and Flow VariablesEntityField

How to enable the Screen Pop feature (SMS)

  1. For the Screen pop Caller Search setting, change the following:
    • Flow Variables: Select the Global variable that captures the ANI from the consumer 
    • Entity: Determines which objects in ServiceNow are searched when a call is made.
    • Field: Determines which fields on the Entity are queried when looking for a caller match.
    • Operator: Determines the type of comparison (Exact match, Contains, Start with, End with).
    • You should be able to add multiple Caller search settings with AND/OR conditions.
  2. For the Context Search setting, change the following:
    • Flow Variables: Select the Global or custom variable that captures the purpose of the SMS engagement via Collect Input widget on the flow.
    • Entity: Determines which objects in ServiceNow are searched when a call is made.
    • Field: Determines which fields on the Entity are queried for context search
    • Operator: Determines the type of comparison (Exact match, Contains, Start with, End with).
    • You should be able to add multiple context search settings with AND/OR conditions.
  3. For the No match scenario, select What action to be taken and When action needs to be taken to control what screen is popped when it's unable to locate the caller.
  4. For the Screen pop settings, select when should the screen pop (ie. during call ringing vs. after call answered).
  5. Select Automatic SMS logging if you want to save the call log into ServiceNow.
  6. Click Save Next.
    You will be redirected to the integrations screen and you should see the ServiceNow integration listed. You will be able to see a column Configuration that indicates whether the configuration setting for enabled channel is complete.

How to enable the client integration for Zoom Contact Center users

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Users.
  3. 3. Locate the user you want to edit and click on their display name.
  4. Next to Client Integration, select ServiceNow.
  5. Click Save to apply the changes.

How to edit an existing ServiceNow integration in Zoom Contact Center

After you've set up the ServiceNow integration, you can delete it, view connection settings, view configuration settings.

Deleting an existing ServiceNow integration

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Integrations.
  3. Click the Applications tab.
  4. For the ServiceNow application, click the ellipses , then click Delete.
  5. Click Delete to confirm.
    Note: Once deleted, the client integration for users will be disabled, and the ServiceNow connection will be removed from the Integrations page.

Viewing connection settings

Follow these steps to view the connection settings used for establishing the integration connection.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Integrations.
  3. Click the Applications tab.
  4. For the ServiceNow application, click the ellipses icon , then click View connection settings.
    You will see the following information.
    • Connection name: The name that was provided for the connection.
    • Subdomain: The subdomain that was provided for the ServiceNow instance.

Viewing configuration settings

Follow these steps to view the configuration that was established for the integration.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Integrations.
  3. Click the Applications tab.
  4. For the ServiceNow application, click the ellipses , then click View configuration settings.

How to configure the Phone call log

While installing the package, by default the Phone log for interaction will be visible. In case if the Phone log is not visible, the below steps help to enable the same.

  1. Sign in to the ServiceNow admin portal.
  2. In the navigator, search interaction.
  3. Under Interaction, click All to view all the interactions.
  4. Click any Interaction Number to open the interaction record.
  5. In the opened record, in the header bar area next to the interaction number choose the view:
    • View : Zcc_custom_interaction_view_cws > For CSM/FSM Configurable Workspace
    • View : Zcc_custom_interaction_view_hr > For HR Agent Workspace
    • View : Zcc_custom_interaction_view_for_sow > For Service Operation Workspace
  6. Click the hamburger icon (additional action menu), navigate to the Configure and select Related List.
  7. Select Phone log, then Interaction from the Available list, then move it to the Selected list.
  8. Click Save.

How to configure the Activity (Notes)

While installing the package, by default the Activities for interaction will be visible under the Additional Information section. In case if the Activities are not visible, the below steps help to enable the same.

  1. Sign in to the ServiceNow admin portal.
  2. In the navigator, search interaction.
  3. Under Interaction, click All to view all the interactions.
  4. Click on any one of the Interaction Number to open the interaction record.
  5. In the opened record, in the header bar area next to the interaction number choose the appropriate view listed below for the respective workspace:
    • View : Zcc_custom_interaction_view_cws > For CSM/FSM Configurable Workspace
    • View : Zcc_custom_interaction_view_hr > For HR Agent Workspace
    • View : Zcc_custom_interaction_view_for_sow > For Service Operation Workspace
  6. Click the hamburger icon (Additional Action Menu), navigate to the Configure and select Form Layout.
  7. Under Form View and Section, choose Additional Information.
  8. In the Available list choose Activities (filtered) and move to the Selected list and click Save.