Managing the Zoom Sessions Emails tab

The Emails tab gives hosts a clear view of the email types available, when they'll be sent, and the target audience for that email. Hosts can control email invitations. Email invitations are separated from ticketing restrictions so hosts can control when and how the emails are sent. In addition, hosts will be able to see the history of emails that have been sent.

Learn more about creating a single-session full event, creating a single-session lite event, creating a recurring sessions event, or using Email Builder.

Requirements for managing the Zoom Sessions Emails tab

Note: For access to the latest Zoom Events and Webinar features, we strongly recommend hosts to update to the latest version of the Zoom desktop client/mobile application.

Table of Contents

How to access the Zoom Sessions Emails tab

  1. Create a single-session event or recurring sessions event.
    You can also edit an upcoming event to access event setup.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Communication, then click Emails.
    The Emails page will appear.

How to understand the Emails tab

The Emails tab has 2 sections of emails: Attendee Emails and Other Emails.  These sections are collapsible.

Information about emails related to the event are displayed in a table so you can see what emails have been sent at a glance:

Note: Only qualified attendees, who have participated for more than 10 minutes in a session, will receive a Thank you for attending email.

How to send all email types

  1. Access the Emails tab in the Zoom Sessions event setup.
  2. Select the checkboxes of the email that you want to send.
    You can also select the checkbox to the left of Email Name to select all emails. 
  3. At the top of the page, click Send Now.

Understand sending emails

When hosts use the Send Now button, the email will be sent unless:

No emails can be sent manually before an event is published. Emails can be triggered either before or after an event has ended and follow the below logic:

The email is sent only to the right audience that qualifies for it. Additionally, the Send Now action is not resending an email; if you have already sent an email type, it will not be sent again (the exception is the Event Reminder email).

Resending a previously sent email must be initiated through the Emails Sent section.

How to change to manual emails

By default, all email types are enabled to be sent automatically when their scheduled action—listed under the Schedule column—occurs.

  1. Access the Emails tab in the Zoom Sessions event setup.
  2. Select the checkboxes of the email that you want to manage.
    You can also select the checkbox to the left of Email Name to select all emails. 
  3. At the top of the page, click Turn off.
    The selected emails will be changed to a manual trigger.

How to change to automatic emails

  1. Access the Emails tab in the Zoom Sessions event setup.
  2. Select the checkboxes of the email that you want to manage.
    You can also select the checkbox to the left of Email Type to select all emails. 
  3. At the top of the page, click Turn on.
    The selected emails will be changed to an automatic trigger.

How to view an email

You can view the content of the email type that will be sent to a specific audience so that you will know what the recipient of the email sees. When viewing the email, you can send a test email.

To view the content of an email type:

  1. Access the Emails tab in the Zoom Sessions event setup.
  2. Under Email Name, click the email type name.
    An email preview will appear.
  3. (Optional) Use Email Builder for the following email types:

Note: The Thank you for attending email (post-event) will only be sent to participants who attended the host's Zoom Event. 

Send a test email

  1. View the email type that you want to send a test email of.

  2. Click Send Test Email.
  3. Enter the email address you want to send the test email to.
  4. Click Send Test Email.
  5. (Optional) Repeat to send another test email.

Preview email

  1. View the email type that you want to preview the email.
  2. In the top-right corner, click Preview Email.
    A preview of the email will appear.
  3. (Optional) Switch the preview between a desktop or mobile layout by clicking the swap-view icon
  4. When you're finished previewing the email, click Exit Preview.

Reset email

  1. View the email type that you want to reset the email.
  2. In the top-right corner, click Reset Email.
    A confirmation window will appear.
  3. In the window, click Reset Email.
    Resetting the email to its default form will remove all color and content changes.

Exclude specific tickets from certain email templates

  1. View the email types that you want to manage through Email Builder.
  2. On the left panel, under Email Exclude List, select different ticket types to add them to the Email Exclude List.
    This will exclude the selected ticket types from certain email templates. Attendees assigned those excluded tickets will not be sent the respective email template. The email template will continue to send normally to qualifying tickets that are not part of the exclude list.

Note: The Paid Ticket Confirmation email template cannot be excluded.

How to view email history

You can view the send history of an email type and see details on who the email was sent to and when it was sent, as well as resend the email to a specific recipient.

  1. Access the Emails tab in the Zoom Sessions event setup.
  2. Under the Emails Sent column, click the number showing how many times the email has been sent.
  3. View the emails sent.

Note: The Emails Sent column displays the total number of times an email type—each resend to the same recipient is counted separately—has been sent.

Resend emails

A recipient can be sent the same email type a maximum of 6 times: after you send an email type to a recipient manually, you can then resend that email type to the same recipient 5 more times.

Resend an email to one recipient

To resend an email to a specific recipient:

  1. View the email history of an email type.
  2. To the right of the user you want to resend the email to, click Resend.
    A pop-up window will appear.
  3. Click Yes.

Resend emails to multiple recipients

  1. View the email history of an email type.
  2. Select multiple recipients to resend the email to:

Search specific sent emails

In the Emails Sent page, hosts can search their entire list of sent emails by registrant name or email address. The search can be cleared and will return the entire list of sent emails.

  1. View the email history of an email type.
  2. In the top-left corner, enter a registrant's name or email address.
  3. View the registrant results.
  4. (Optional) Under the Action column, click Resend to resend an email type.