Managing the Zoom Virtual Agent asset library

Zoom Virtual Agent admins can upload images and videos for use in bot flows. You can edit the main image in the asset library and automatically update it anywhere the image is used within bot flows. This is useful for making sure the images are up-to-date without having to update them one by one in individual bot flows.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for managing the Zoom Virtual Agent asset library

How to view the asset library

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click AI Management and then Virtual Agents.
  3. Click the Assets tab.
  4. On the right side, click the gear icon and select the table columns to display.
    You will see the following information:
    • Name: The internal display name of the asset.
    • Description: The internal description of the asset.
    • Type: The type (image or video) of the asset that was uploaded.
    • Last Modified: The associated date and time that the asset was last edited.
    • Used in: The default (main) flow or sub flow the asset is currently used in.

How to add or edit an image

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click AI Management and then Virtual Agents.
  3. Click the Assets tab.
  4. Click Add Asset and then Image. To edit an existing asset, locate an image asset, click the ellipses icon in the last column, then click Edit.
  5. Specify the following information:
    • Asset Name: Enter an internal display name for the image.
    • Description: Enter an internal description for the image.
    • Upload Image:
      • If adding a new image, click Upload and select the image.
      • If editing an existing image, click Reupload to change the image.
  6. Click Add or Save.
    If you're updating an asset that's already in use, you will see a pop-up notification that lists where the asset is used. Click Save to confirm the update.

How to add or edit a video

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click AI Management and then Virtual Agents.
  3. Click the Assets tab.
  4. Click Add Asset and then Video. To edit an existing asset, locate a video asset, click the ellipses icon in the last column, then click Edit.
  5. Specify the following information:
    • Asset Name: Enter an internal display name for the video.
    • Description: Enter an internal description for the video.
    • Upload Video:
      • If adding a new video, click Upload and select the video.
      • If editing an existing video, click Reupload to change the video.
  6. Click Add or Save.
    If you're updating an asset that's already in use, you will see a pop-up notification that lists where the asset is used. Click Save to confirm the update.

How to archive, restore, or permanently delete assets

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click AI Management and then Virtual Agents.
  3. Click the Assets tab.
  4. To archive, follow one of these methods:
    • To archive multiple assets at a time, select the check boxes to select assets, then click Archive.
    • To archive a single asset, click the ellipses icon in the last column, then click Archive.
    • Note: Archived assets will be available in the Archive tab for 30 days and you can restore them at any time within that window.
  5. To restore or delete permanently, follow one of these methods:
    • To restore or delete multiple assets at a time, select the check boxes to select assets, then click Restore to Library or Delete Permanently at the top of the table.
    • To restore or delete a single asset, click the ellipses icon in the last column, then click Restore to Library or Delete Permanently.