Testing your chatbot

The Test Bot feature allows you to test your bot in a Draft and/or Published state. You can use the Test Bot feature to see how your bot flows and intents are working before you publish. In addition to displaying the matching workflow or knowledge base article, it will also display the confidence level for the matching intent or knowledge base answer. 

When you test your chatbot, you will get diagnostic information about what intents are being triggered based on the text a user might enter. This is especially useful for testing to make sure that your intents are trained properly. If you’re expecting an intent to trigger but it doesn’t, then you can then go to Intent Manager and update the training phrases. In addition, the bot can also be tested when previewing campaigns.

Note: You must have enough widgets created to create a logical flow.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for testing your bot

How to test your bot

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click AI Management and then Virtual Agents.
  3. Click the display name of an existing chatbot.
  4. In the bottom right corner of the page, click the Test Bot button.
  5. At the top of the chatbot, choose which version (Draft or Published) you want to test.
  6. Enter a message in the chatbot to initiate a conversation.
    Note: You can also test adding files or emoticons in your message.
    The resulting intent or knowledge base answer will be displayed, as well as additional analysis.
  7. (Optional) To start a new conversation, click Restart.
  8. Once you’re done, click the close icon to close the chatbot.

How to analyze the results when testing

When testing a query in the bot, in addition to the actual workflow or knowledge base article, a breakdown of the results will be displayed. 

Under the resulting workflow or knowledge base answer, additional details will be displayed:

For example, when testing the bot, if a matched intent or knowledge base article comes back with a value of 0.978652323, this means the bot had a confidence level of 0.97 in that intent or knowledge base answer. If the bot returns with the value "default (1)", then there was not a matching intent or knowledge base article that had a higher confidence level than the set threshold.

If the returning intent or knowledge base article is incorrect, you can increase either the Intent Threshold or Knowledge Base Threshold and retest. If there are no matching intents or knowledge base articles, then you can decrease either the Intent Threshold or Knowledge Base Threshold and retest. Learn more about managing minimum confidence levels in Zoom Virtual Agent.

While modifying the threshold is one way to change the results of the bot, as a permanent fix, it's recommended to coach the intents or knowledge base answers to increase the accuracy of the bot.