Using the bot flow editor

Bot Flows are guided paths you can build for your bot to automate common tasks. After adding a bot flow, Zoom Virtual Agent admins can use the bot flow editor to configure and make connections between bot flow widgets.

Requirements for using the bot flow editor

Table of Contents

How to access the bot flow editor

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click AI Management and then Virtual Agents.
  3. Click the display name of an existing chatbot.
  4. Click the Bot Flows tab.
  5. Click the display name of an existing bot flow.

How to use flow editor controls

After accessing the bot flow editor, you can use these controls:

Controls when selecting a widget

Trash icon : Delete the selected widget.

Duplicate icon : Create a copy of the selected widget.

When you select a widget, the settings on the right panel will display. You can also click the ellipsis icon to duplicate or delete a widget.

Controls on the top-left section

Display name: Click the pencil icon to change the bot flow's internal display name and description.

Flow status (Archived, Draft, or Published): Displays the bot flow's status.

Version: Displays the current version you're viewing.

Controls on the top-right section

How to use bot flow editor shortcuts

You can also use these bot flow editor shortcuts:

Ctrl/Cmd+Z: Undo the last action.

Ctrl/Cmd+C: Copy the selected widget.

Ctrl/Cmd+V: Paste the copied widget.

Scroll up using scroll wheel: Zoom in to the bot flow editor canvas.

Scroll down using scroll wheel: Zoom out of the bot flow editor canvas.

How to change the bot flow language

  1. Access the bot flow editor.
  2. At the top right of the page, click the language drop-down menu and select a language from the drop-down list.
    Upon saving, the prompts and buttons will be machine-translated into the language you selected.

How to place new widgets in the bot flow

  1. Access the bot flow editor.
  2. Click, drag, then drop a widget from the left-side widget panel to the preferred location in the bot flow editor canvas (gray area with a grid of dots).

Note: If you don’t see the panel, click the right arrow to open the widget panel.

How to move existing widgets

  1. Access the bot flow editor.
  2. Hover over the display name of an existing widget.
  3. Drag and drop the widget to another location in the bot flow editor canvas (gray area with a grid of dots).

How to customize the display name of a widget

  1. Access the bot flow editor.
  2. Select the widget you want to rename.
  3. In the right-side settings panel, click Rename.
  4. Enter a display name, then click Save.

How to specify connections between widgets

  1. Access the bot flow editor.
  2. Hover over an exit setting of an existing widget.
    Your mouse cursor will change to a cross or plus sign.
  3. Click and drag your cursor to another widget.

How to delete connections

  1. Access the bot flow editor.
  2. Hover over an existing connection and select it.
    Note: You can select multiple connections. Your cursor will turn to a hand when hovering over a connection.
  3. Click Delete.

How to select multiple widgets using the drag selection tool

You can select multiple widgets using the drag selection tool.

  1. Access the bot flow editor.
  2. Click the drag select icon in the top-right corner to activate the tool.
    Note: The icon will become a solid blue color to indicate it’s active.
  3. Click on an empty part of the bot flow editor canvas, then drag to resize the selection box to select multiple widgets.
  4. Perform one of these action to edit multiple widgets: