Zoom Interop for Google Meet

Zoom Rooms can join Google Meet meetings by simply adding the Zoom Room to the Google Meet invitation or by entering the Google Meet ID to join. These features are especially useful for organizations who work with vendors and customers primarily using Google Meet. You can get more information from Google here.

Requirements for using Google Meet with Zoom Rooms

Table of Contents

How to enable Zoom Interop for Google Meet

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. Click Room Management, then Zoom Rooms.
  3. Use the Zoom Rooms location hierarchy and choose where to enable this setting.
  4. Click the Meeting tab.
  5. Click the toggle next to Support Interoperability for Zoom Rooms.
  6. Check the box next to Support Google Meet web client meeting on Zoom Rooms.
  7. (Optional): Check the box next to Show on home screen to display a Google Meet join button on the room controller or touch display.

How to use one click join

Send the room a calendar invite that includes the Google Meet information.

On the Zoom Rooms controller, tap Home then find the meeting invite and tap Join to call into the meeting from your Zoom Room.

How to join by meeting ID

  1. Tap Home on the Zoom Rooms controller.
  2. Tap Join on the controller, then tap the Google Meet icon on the Join Meeting window.
  3. Input the Google Meeting code and tap Join.

Alternatively, If you have enabled the Show on Home Screen setting, you can follow these steps:

  1. Tap Home on the Zoom Rooms controller.
  2. Tap the Google Meet icon.
  3. Input the Google Meeting code and tap Join.

Features available to Zoom Rooms during a Google Meet meeting

After joining, the following in-meeting controls are available:

Zoom Interop for Google Meet is only supported in Zoom Rooms with a single camera, single microphone and single speaker. If the Zoom Room has multiple cameras, microphones and/or speakers, Google Meet may select the wrong camera, microphone or speaker to use, respectively, and this cannot be changed during the call due to Zoom Interop limitations. The Google Meet meeting will only appear on the first display of the Zoom Room. A second or third display will not show additional Google Meet meeting participants or shared content.

Note: Screen sharing to a Google Meet meeting requires access to the Google Meet client. No wireless or wired HDMI screen sharing is available through the Zoom Room while joined to a Google Meet meeting from a Zoom Room. Do not connect devices (e.g. a laptop) to the wired HDMI input of a Zoom Room before or during a Google Meet call using Zoom Interop - it may lead to unpredictable results.

How to allow your Zoom Rooms to bypass a Google Meet waiting rooms when joining

By default, participants joining using a Zoom Room must be admitted to the Google Meet meeting by someone already in the meeting. As an administrator, you can allow Zoom Room devices to join Google Meet meetings without going through the admission process. To do this, generate an interop token and add it to the Zoom web portal settings:

  1. In the Google Admin console, click Menu, then Apps, and then Google Workspace.
  2. Click Interoperability tokens and then Add a token.
  3. Select Zoom from the dropdown menu.
  4. Enter a token name for your own reference, and click Create a token.
  5. Copy the token to your clipboard and click Close.
    Note: Be sure to copy the token. It will not be shown again.
  6. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  7. Click Room Management then Zoom Rooms.
  8. Click Account Settings then click the Meetings tab.
  9. Find the Support Interoperability for Zoom Rooms heading, and click the icon next to the Google Meet Interop Token field.
  10. Paste the token.

How to allow your Google Meet hardware to bypass Zoom Meeting waiting rooms when joining

By default, participants joining using a Zoom Meeting must be admitted by someone already in the meeting. As an administrator, you can allow Google Meet hardware devices to join Zoom meetings without going through the admission process. To do this, generate an interop token and add it to your Google settings:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. Click Account Management, then click Account Settings.
  3. Under the Meeting tab, find Allow my organization's 3rd party conference room systems to join my Zoom meetings, and generate a token.
  4. Copy the token to your clipboard.
    Note: Be sure to copy the token. It will not be shown again.
  5. In the navigation menu, click Settings.
  6. In the Security section under Waiting Room, click Edit Options.
  7. Under Who should go in the waiting room?, select either Users not in your account or
    Users who are not in your account and not part of your whitelisted domains.
    Note: Selecting Everyone will prevent Google Meeting hardware bypassing the Waiting Room.
  8. In another browser tab, open your Google Workspace Admin settings.
  9. Click Devices, then click Google Meet hardware.
  10. Click Settings, then Service settings, then Built-in interoperability direct access.
  11. Paste the token generated and copied from Step 4.

Supported Zoom Rooms appliance devices


Fully Supported
Minimum Firmware
Neat Pad NFA1.20220914.1215
Neat BarNFB1.20220914.1215
Neat BoardNFC1.20220914.1215
Neat Bar ProNFD1.20220914.1215
Neat FrameNFF1.20220914.1215
Logitech Rally BarCollabOS 1.8
Logitech Rally Bar MiniCollabOS 1.8
Logitech Rally Bar HuddleCollabOS 1.8
Logitech Tap IPCollabOS 1.8
Logitech RoomMateCollabOS 1.11.215
Poly X304.0
Poly X504.0
Poly X524.0
Poly X704.0
Poly G75004.0



Jabra Panacast 50 VBS

Yealink A10


Yealink A20


Yealink A30


Yealink A40


Yealink M500


Yealink A24


Yealink MeetingBoard 65


Yealink MeetingBoard 86


Limited Support*
Minimum Firmware

*These devices will be fully supported in the future. You may encounter some minor issues using them currently.