If you receive error code 105035, and if screen sharing is not working during a meeting, there are several things you can check to fix this issue. Additionally, error code 105035 appears when some of the files are being re-signed.
This article will guide you on how to configure the settings properly and provide you with some general troubleshooting steps to solve the problem.
Update your client to the latest version of Zoom software.
For Windows, this issue could be caused by CptService.exe when it is not running properly. Try these recommended troubleshooting steps:
For Macs, check if you are using the Apple File System Case-sensitive through Disk Utility. Try these recommended troubleshooting steps:
Note: You should not have to change the file name anymore as long as you have the Zoom client version 5.11.3 or higher.
When using the Zoom SDK client, error code 105035 appears when some of the system's files are being re-signed. This error can also occur when the CptControl.exe and CptInstall.exe files are missing from the bin directory. Try these recommended troubleshooting steps:
Note: Our Zoom SDK and Zoom desktop client share some common resources in the OS. To allow the Zoom client and Zoom client SDK app to work at the same time, since version v4.4.56616.1028, we renamed the filename of the following shared resources:
As these files are in the list that should not be re-signed above, verify that the corresponding files are not re-signed. For details, please refer to Zoom Windows Software Development Kit (SDK).
If any of the above solutions do not help you, uninstall Zoom from your device. Once Zoom is completely removed and uninstalled from your device, download Zoom from our download center and reinstall Zoom on your device.