Viewing the Zoom Phone SBCs dashboard

The SBCs dashboard contains a global heatmap of near real-time and historical data of your SBCs. The near real-time data provides information about the number of SBCs that are active, their location, and their status, while the historical data provides information about inbound, outbound, and normal call attempts for a past period.

Note: We retain log data for 13 (thirteen) months for SBC records.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for viewing the usage and adoption dashboard

How to view the Zoom Phone SBCs dashboard

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Dashboard and click the Phone tab.
  3. Click the SBCs tab, then follow the steps below to view your near real-time and historical data.

View the near real-time global heatmap of your SBCs

In the Global Heatmap section, do the following:

  1. (Optional), to the right of the date, click the refresh icon to see the most up-to-date information.
  2. Click in the following boxes to view:
  3. Under these boxes, you will see the number and percentage of SBCs that are:

View the historical data of your SBCs

In the historical section, do the following:

  1. Click in the following boxes to view:
  2. (Optional) To the right of these boxes, click Manage Categories, then do the following:

    If you desire to manage or customize your categories

If you desire to manage your SIP cause codes

If you desire to manage what you see from your SBC to Zoom and from Zoom to your SBC

You will see the following: