Managing and launching Webinar Resources

Webinar hosts can create link and document resources ahead of the webinar, or during the live session. These can be previewed before the webinar and during, launched for attendees to interact with or download, and afterwards, generate a report of clicks for each resource.

This article contains:

Prerequisites for creating and using Webinar Resources

Using Resource Links in a webinar:

Using Resource Documents in a webinar:

How to create and manage resource links

Webinar hosts can create a webinar resource link, which is an in-webinar link that directs attendees’ attention to your resources, provide more event information and details, or direct attendees to another upcoming webinar.

Create a new resource link

  1. Schedule a Zoom Webinar.
  2. When viewing the webinar details, scroll down and select the Resources tab.
  3. In the Links section, click Create.
    A window will appear so you provide the details for the new resource link.
  4. Provide or upload the following options:
    • Image: Upload an image you wish to be displayed as part of your resource link.
      Images must be in JPG/JPEG or 24-bit PNG format, with a maximum resolution of 800x800 pixels. Zoom recommends images less than 15MB to ensure fast load times.
    • Headline: (Required) Provide a headline for your resource link. This should be something that grabs your attention when shown in a Webinar. Maximum of 25 characters.
    • Description: Provide additional details about the resource link. This should elaborate on your headline and provide more information about the link you are directing attendees to. Maximum of 102 characters.
    • Button Link: (Required) Provide the URL for the site you want to direct attendees to. Attendees will not see the URL, but will be warned they are opening a link outside of Zoom.
    • Button Label: (Required) Choose a label you want the button for the button link to display. This includes Click Now, Donate, Download, Learn More, Sign Up, Book Now, Request a Demo, and a custom option. The custom option is limited to 15 characters.
      As items are added and adjusted, the preview to the right of the options will update to reflect the current expected appearance.
  5. Click Save to confirm the resource link.

Note: Resource links can also be created during the live webinar by clicking Add Link at the bottom of the Resources panel.

Manage existing resource links

Resource links created for a webinar can be edited or deleted as needed. After links are created for a scheduled webinar on the Resources tab, click either Edit or Delete.

How to upload and manage resource documents

Webinar hosts can upload documents, which can be shared with attendees, providing them with worksheets, more information to review later, or other documents as needed.

Create a new resource document

  1. Schedule a Zoom Webinar.
  2. When viewing the webinar details, scroll down and select the Resources tab.
  3. In the Documents section, click Upload.
    A file explorer window will appear so you can choose which file you want to upload.
    The file will be uploaded and all uploaded files are listed below.


Manage existing resource documents

Resource documents uploaded for a webinar can be deleted as needed. After files are uploaded for a scheduled webinar on the Resources tab, click Delete to remove this file.

How to launch webinar resources

Launch a resource link

After creating your resource link through the web portal, these are ready and available for the live Webinar session. After launching the webinar and going live to your attendees, you can launch them at will.

  1. Start your Webinar or join as co-host.
  2. In the control toolbar, click the Resources  button.
    The Resources panel will open to the right.
  3. Click the Links tab.
  4. (Optional) Next to any link, click the more icon  to display additional options:
    1. Edit: Edit the icon, headline, description, link, and button label during.
    2. View: Preview what the activated resource link will appear as in your client. This preview reflects your current Light or Dark mode preference.
    3. Delete: Delete the selected resource link.
  5. Click the toggle  to launch the chosen resource link.
    When the resource link is active, it will appear as it would to attendees, at the bottom of the Resources panel.
  6. (Optional) At the bottom of the panel, click Add Link to create a new Resource Link.

Launch a resource document

After uploading your resource documents through the web portal, these are ready and available for the live Webinar session. After launching the webinar and going live to your attendees, you can launch them at will.

  1. Start your Webinar or join as co-host.
  2. In the control toolbar, click the Resources  button.
    The Resources panel will open to the right.
  3. Click the Documents tab.
  4. (Optional) Next to any document, click the more icon  to display additional options:
    1. Open Document: Open the file in the default application for that file type.
    2. Show in Folder: Open the folder this was locally uploaded from and show the file location.
  5. Click the toggle  to launch the chosen resource document.
    When the resource document is active, it will appear as it would to attendees, at the top of the Resources panel.
  6. (Optional) At the bottom of the panel, click Add Document to upload a new Resource Document.

Attendee experience

Resource links

When a resource link is launched by the host, webinar attendees will be shown a small notification with the resource headline above the Resources  button in their control toolbar. Clicking the notification or the Resources  option on the toolbar will open the Resources panel and display all active resource links at the bottom of the panel. Their image, headline, description, and button will be displayed.

Clicking on the button will open a window, informing the attendee that a link outside of Zoom is opening, with a 5 second countdown. Clicking Ok will open the link immediately in your default browser, while clicking Cancel will return to the Webinar.

Resource documents

When a resource document is launched by the host, webinar attendees can click the Resources option on the toolbar to open the Resources panel and display all active resource documents at the top of the panel. Clicking any document will quickly download a local copy of the file and open it for the attendee with their default application for that file type.

How to access and understand Resource Link reports

All interactions with your launched resource links are tracked and provided in a report, available in the Reports page. These can be downloaded as a CSV and analyzed for further metrics and insights.

Access the Resource Link Report

  1. Sign in to your Zoom account in the web portal.
  2. In the left navigation menu, click Reports.
  3. Click the Usage Reports tab.
  4. Click the Webinar option.
  5. Select the Resource Link Report option.
  6. Adjust the date range filter or search for a specific webinar ID.
    Webinars matching those filters or search criteria will be listed below, with date, start time, topic, ID, and unique resource link viewers details.
  7. Click the webinar you would like to generate a report for.
  8. Click Generate CSV Report.
    A CSV file will be provided for download.

Available information in Resource Link reports

The Resource Link report contains the following columns of information:

Each instance of a resource link being clicked on and opened is listed below, with each instance including the following information: