Managing and launching webinar resources

Webinar hosts can create resources for their attendees to access during the webinar, which may include helpful links, documents, and speaker information. As the host, you can set up webinar resources in the Zoom web portal ahead of the webinar and preview how they’ll look to attendees. During the webinar, you can launch resources for attendees to interact with and download, and afterwards, you can generate a report of resource link interactions.

Requirements for adding and using webinar resources

Table of Contents

How to add and manage webinar resources

Webinar hosts can enhance their webinars by adding resource links and documents. These materials provide attendees with extra details, event-related links, or downloadable files. Resources can be created, managed, and shared both before and during the webinar.

Add resource links

Resource links are in-webinar links that direct attendees to external websites or additional event details.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Webinars.
  3. Click the topic of an existing scheduled webinar, or click Schedule a Webinar to schedule a new one.
  4. At the top of the webinar details, click the Resources tab.
  5. In the Links section, click Create.
    A window will appear so you provide the details for the new resource link.
  6. Provide or upload the following options:
  7. Click Save to confirm the resource link.

Note: To delete an existing resource link, click Delete next to the existing resource link in the Resources tab.

Add resource documents

Resource documents are files like worksheets or informational PDFs that can be shared with attendees during the webinar. Supported file types include JPG/JPEG, 24-bit PNG, PDF, and PPT. Hosts can upload up to 50 files per webinar and each file can be up to 15 MB in size.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Webinars.
  3. Click the topic of an existing scheduled webinar, or click Schedule a Webinar to schedule a new one.
  4. At the top of the webinar details, click the Resources tab.
  5. In the Documents section, click Upload.
    A file explorer window will appear so you can choose which file you want to upload.
    The file will be uploaded and all uploaded files are listed below.


Add speaker information

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Webinars.
  3. Click the topic of an existing scheduled webinar, or click Schedule a Webinar to schedule a new one.
  4. At the top of the webinar details, click the Resources tab.
  5. In the Speakers section, do one of the following:
  6. To add or edit speaker details, provide or upload the following options:
  7. Click Save to confirm the speaker resource.

How to launch webinar resources

Launch a resource link

After adding resource links and documents via the web portal, they are available for the live webinar. You can launch them any time during the webinar.

  1. Start your webinar or join as co-host.
  2. In the webinar controls toolbar, click the Resources icon .
    The Resources panel will open.
  3. In the top-left corner of the Resources panel, click the Links tab.
    A list of available links will appear.
  4. (Optional) Next to any link, click the more icon  to display additional options:
    Note: For the more icon to appear, deactivate the link first.
  5. Click the toggle to launch the chosen resource link.
    When the resource link is active, it will appear as it would to attendees, at the bottom of the Resources panel.
  6. (Optional) At the bottom of the panel, click Add Link to create a new Resource Link.

Launch a resource document

After uploading your resource documents through the web portal, these are ready and available for the live Webinar session. After launching the webinar and going live to your attendees, you can launch resource documents as needed.

  1. Start your webinar or join as co-host.
  2. In the webinar controls toolbar, click the Resources icon .
    The Resources panel will open to the right.
  3. In the top-left corner of the Resources panel, click the Documents tab.
  4. (Optional) Next to any document, click the more icon  to display additional options:
  5. Click the toggle to launch the chosen resource document.
    When the resource document is active, it will appear as it would to attendees, at the top of the Resources panel.
  6. (Optional) At the bottom of the panel, click Add Document to upload a new Resource Document.

Attendee experience

Resource links

When a resource link is launched by the host, webinar attendees will be shown a small notification with the resource headline above the Resources icon  in their webinar controls toolbar. Clicking the notification or the Resources  option on the toolbar will open the Resources panel and display all active resource links at the bottom of the panel. Their image, headline, description, and button will be displayed.

Clicking on the button will open a window, informing the attendee that a link outside of Zoom is opening, with a 5 second countdown. Clicking Ok will open the link immediately in your default browser, while clicking Cancel will return to the Webinar.

Resource documents

When a resource document is launched by the host, webinar attendees can click the Resources option  on the toolbar to open the Resources panel and display all active resource documents at the top of the panel. Clicking any document will quickly download a local copy of the file and open it for the attendee with their default application for that file type.

How to access and understand Resource Link reports

All interactions with your launched resource links are tracked and provided in a report, available in the Reports page. These can be downloaded as a CSV and analyzed for further metrics and insights.

Access the Resource Link report

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Reports.
  3. Click the Usage Reports tab.
  4. Click the Webinars option.
  5. Select the Resource Link Report option.
  6. Adjust the date range filter or search for a specific webinar ID.
    Webinars matching those filters or search criteria will be listed below, with date, start time, topic, ID, and unique resource link viewers details.
  7. Click the webinar you would like to generate a report for.
  8. Click Generate CSV Report.
    A CSV file will be provided for download.

Available information in Resource Link reports

The Resource Link report contains the following columns of information:

Each instance of a resource link being clicked on and opened is listed below, with each instance including the following information: