Changing Zoom Contact Center campaign settings

Campaigns to make it easy for Zoom Contact Center admins to customize entry points for flows that allow consumers to start an engagement from your website. You can customize the design of the invitation button and the default engagement window displayed. For example, you can change the color of the invitation button to match your organization's branding then display a welcome screen for chat engagement that display your logo.

After creating a campaign, you can change its settings.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for changing campaign settings

How to change campaign settings

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Campaign Management.
  3. Click the display name of the campaign you want to edit.
  4. If the campaign isn't in a Draft status, click Save as Draft at the bottom of the page.
  5. Click Save New Draft to confirm.
  6. Change campaign settings.
  7. (Optional) Preview the campaign.
  8. In the bottom-right corner, click one of these options:
    Note: You may not see all options depending on the status of the campaign.
    • Save: Save the draft campaign.
    • Publish: Publish/run the campaign and make it visible to consumers on your website.
    • Run: Publish the campaign and make it visible to consumers on your website.
    • Pause: Unpublish the campaign and hide it on your website.

Campaign settings

Settings section

Invitation section

Customize the design of the engagement invitation.

Campaign Location section

Select an engagement location to display the engagement invitation.

To add or edit an engagement location:

  1. Click Create Engagement Location or locate an existing location and click Edit.
  2. Change the following settings:
    • Name: Enter an internal display name for the location.
    • Description (Optional): Enter an internal description for the location.
    • Location type: Select how you want to define where the engagement can be displayed.
      • Page (URL/query string): Specify locations using a URL or query string. 
      • Regular Expression: Use regular expression to determine locations.
    • Define where the engagement can be displayed
      • If the Location type is Page (URL/query string), select an operator (Contain or Exclude) then enter the URL or query string. For example, selecting Contain and entering means the engagement appears anywhere on the domain.
      • If the Location type is Regular Expression, specify the regular expression to determine locations.
  3. (Optional) Click Test, enter a URL, then click Test to test a URL against the query string or regular expression you specified.
  4. Click Save.

Engagement Window for Web Chat section

Customize the design of the chat engagement window. The chat engagement window displays after consumers click the chat invitation button.

Note: This section is only available if Web Chat is one of the channels for the campaign.

Targeting section

Select the devices to display the campaign on (Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile). This feature is implemented based on the consumer's HTTP User Agent, not based on their screen size.

Voice Calls section

SMS Messages section