Viewing Zoom Contact Center voice calls logs
Voice logs for Zoom Contact Center allow admins to view details on inbound and outbound voice engagements, such as the associated phone numbers, engagement, agents, and queue.
Requirements for viewing voice calls logs
- Pro, Business, or Education account
- Account owner or admin privileges; or relevant role/privilege
- Zoom Contact Center license
How to view voice calls logs
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin or another role with the privilege to edit log settings.
- In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Logs.
- Click the Voice Calls tab.
- Use the following options to filter data:
- From / To: Specify the time period for the report.
- Search field: Enter keywords to search by engagement ID, agent, queue, or consumer phone number.
- Direction drop-down menu: Select Inbound or Outbound.
- Type: Select a call type.
- External: Display calls that involved an external consumer (external phone number not part of the account's Zoom Contact Center or Zoom Phone system).
External Call: Calls that involved an external consumer.
Conference Call: Calls where the agent invited at least one other party to the call.
Call Back Call: Calls that involved a call back request.
- Internal: Display calls where all participants were internal Zoom Contact Center or Zoom Phone numbers.
Internal Call: Calls that involved internal Zoom Contact Center or Zoom Phone numbers.
Conference Call: Calls where the agent invited at least one other party to the call.
Call Back Call: Calls that involved a call back request.
- Distribution: Allows you to only display Automatic Consumer Distribution (ACD) or Non-Automatic Consumer Distribution (non-ACD) voice engagements.
- Click Filter to filter by the following:
- (Optional) In the top-right corner, click Export to export the data as a CSV file.
Information in voice calls logs
- Engagement ID: The unique identifier for the engagement. Click the ID to display associated engagement events.
- Direction: Displays if the engagement was inbound or outbound. Inbound means an agent receives an engagement. Outbound means an agent made an outbound engagement.
- Distribution: Indicates if the engagement was an Automatic Consumer Distribution (ACD) or Non-Automatic Consumer Distribution (non-ACD) voice engagement.
- Type: Indicates whether the call type is external or internal.
- From / To: The caller ID number of the consumer and agent.
- Start Time: The start time of the engagement. For inbound engagements, this is when the consumer starts waiting in the queue. For outbound engagements, this is when the agent starts calling a consumer or sends the SMS.
- End Time: The end time of the engagement when the consumer or agent ends the engagement.
- Total Duration: The total duration of the engagement in hours, minutes, and seconds. This includes all other duration types that can happen during a voice engagement (IVR, waiting, talking, hold, and wrap-up).
- Consumer: Displays the consumer's display name if the consumer's contact information was previously added by an agent or admin using the Zoom desktop app or web portal. Also, displays their caller ID number.
- Agent: The associated agent's Zoom profile display name.
- Queue: The associated queue that routed the engagement (if applicable).
- Flow: The display name of the associated flow that handled the engagement.
- Recorded: Indicates if the voice call was recorded. Click the embedded link in the table to view the recording.
- Monitored: Indicates if the voice call was monitored.
- Inbox: Indicates if the voice call was forwarded to an inbox.
- Country: The country of the associated usage charge if the engagement was charged.
- Result: The voice engagement result. See the voice metrics glossary for more information.
- Caller ID: The caller ID number of the calling party.
- Calling Party: Indicates if the agent or consumer placed the voice engagement.
- Charge: The per minute charge of the voice engagement.