Changing Zoom Contact Center video experience settings

Zoom Contact Center admins can change video experience settings to enable or disable video engagement features for agents or consumers.

Requirements for changing video experience settings

Table of Contents

How to change video experience settings

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin or another role with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Preferences.
  3. In the left-side panel, click Voice and Video Engagements.
  4. In the Video Experience section, change the following settings.

Agent and consumer process for rejoin video link

The following steps explain the agent and consumer process if Video Join Link is enabled.

  1. When the consumer joins a video engagement, they receive the rejoin link in the video engagement chat. They will also see a button to copy the rejoin link.
  2. If the consumer disconnects from the engagement, the agent in the engagement will see a notification stating that the consumer has disconnected, along with the amount of time the consumer has to rejoin the engagement.
  3. The consumer can click the rejoin link to rejoin the video engagement. If the consumer doesn't rejoin in the given expiration time, the engagement will automatically close.