Recovering a disabled, inactive, or locked account

Your Zoom account will be inaccessible if it is disabled, deactivated, or locked. These cases can be triggered by not following Zoom's Terms of Service or Acceptable Use Guidelines, changes made to your account by your admins, or several attempts to sign in to your account with incorrect credentials. Recovering your account is still possible by following this guide.

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How to recover disabled account (error 1003)

Accounts that don’t follow Zoom's Terms of Service or Acceptable Use Guidelines may be disabled without warning. If this happens to your account, you will get an error message that says, "Account is disabled. Please contact Support (1,003)". Learn more about resolving error code 1003 when signing in to Zoom or joining a meeting.

How to recover inactive account

When you sign in to your Zoom account and receive a message that says, "Account is disabled. Please contact your account owner or administrator", this means your account owner or admins has deactivated your Zoom account.

When a company stops your subscription, they may have deleted, deactivated, or unlinked you from their account.

How to recover locked account

When multiple sign-in to your Zoom account has failed because of incorrect credentials, your Zoom account will be blocked or locked out. When you sign in, you will receive a message that says, "Your account <your email address> is blocked for 30 minutes due to reaching the maximum 5 failed login attempts."
You can wait for 30 minutes before attempting to sign in again or contact Zoom Support to unblock your account immediately.