Controlling engagement transfer options

Zoom Contact Center admins can control which queues, contact center users, or flows that agents can transfer voice engagements to. This setting is only available at the queue level. By default, all transfer options are enabled for agents and supervisors.

Prerequisites for controlling engagement transfer options

How to control engagement transfer options

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Queues.
  3. Click the display name of the queue you want to edit.
  4. Click the Policy tab.
  5. In the Transfers and conferencing section, change these settings:
    • Allow transfers: Select to allow transfers to queues, contact center users, or flows.
    • Allow conferencing: Select to allow conferencing to phone number.
    • Queues: Click the toggle to enable or disable agents' ability to transfer to any or selected Zoom Contact Center queues in the account. If enabling, change these settings:
      • All queues: Allow agents to transfer to any Zoom Contact Center queue in the account.
      • Selected queues: Only allow agents to transfer to specified Zoom Contact Center queues that have the channel as the current queue. Click Add Queue(s) for Transfers to specify the allowed queues.
    • Contact Center Users: Click the toggle to enable or disable agents' ability to transfer voice engagements to other Zoom Contact Center users. If enabling, change these settings:
      • All Users: Allow agents to transfer to any Zoom Contact Center user in the account. 
      • Selected users: Only allow agents to transfer to specified Zoom Contact Center users. Click Add User(s) for Transfers to specify the allowed users.
    • Flows (transfers only): Click the toggle to enable or disable agents' ability to transfer voice engagements to Zoom Contact Center flows. If enabling, change these settings:
      • All Flows: Allow agents to transfer to any Zoom Contact Center flow in the account. 
      • Selected Flows: Only allow agents to transfer to specified Zoom Contact Center flows. Click Add Flow(s) for Transfers to specify the allowed queues.
    • Transfer and conference in to phone number (only available for voice queues): Click the toggle to enable or disable agents' ability to transfer voice engagements to an external phone number by manually entering a phone number. This also includes external phone numbers added to the address books.
    • Call data (transfers only): Allow agent to send certain information from Contact Center when transferring voice calls to Zoom Phone. If enabling, change these settings: 
      • Caller name or Caller ID: If the caller is an address book contact, the caller's name will be presented; otherwise, the caller's caller ID will be displayed.
      • Transfer Initiator
        • Agent name
        • Queue name
      • Consumer Sentiment
      • Conversation Summary
      • CRM ticket info: Click Add variable to select the variables that will be passed on to Zoom Phone calls during the transfer. Click Set CRM info URL then enter the URL beginning with https://.Select the Launch the CRM info URL for Zoom Phone users when the call is answered checkbox.
      • Variables: Click Add variables(s) to select the variables that will be passed on to Zoom Phone calls during the transfer.
    • Exempt Queue Supervisors from Transfer Restrictions: If enabled, queue supervisors are exempt from any restrictions and can use all transfer options.