Managing Zoom Phone Subscription Center
The Subscription Center allows admins to schedule Zoom Phone reports to be emailed to them daily, weekly, or monthly.
This article covers:
Prerequisites for managing the subscription center
- Business, Enterprise, or Education account
- Account owner or admin with privileges
- Account has Zoom Phone licenses
- Zoom Phone Power Pack add-on for Call Queues data
How to add a subscription to Zoom Phone reports or dashboard
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
- In the navigation menu, click Account Management, then Subscription Center.
- Click Add.
- In the Subscription Name field, enter the name of your subscription.
- Under Report or Dashboard, click the dropdown arrow
, then select one of the following:
- Report:
- Call logs, Usage reports, and Charge reports: Receive reports for calls, usage, and charge.
- Call logs: Select this checkbox to add call logs to your report.
- Usage Reports: Select this checkbox to add usage data to your report.
- Charge Reports: Select this checkbox to add charge data to your report.
- Auto Receptionist Historical Reports: Select to add auto receptionist historical data to your report.
- Call Queue Historical Reports: Receive historical reports of call queues.
- Chart Report: Select this checkbox to add chart data to your report.
- Detail Report: Select this checkbox to add detailed data to your report.
- Opt-out/in Report: Select this check to add opt-in/out data to your report.
- Access Reports: Receive access reports.
- Feature Entitlement and Membership Reports: Receive feature entitlement and membership reports.
- User Performance Reports: Receive reports for the performance of your users.
- Dashboard:
- Quality of Service: Receive reports of the voice quality of your calls.
- Overall: Select this checkbox to add the overall voice quality of your calls to the report.
- Call > Past Calls: Select this checkbox to add call quality for past calls to the report.
- Usage & Adoption: Receive reports of your call and SMS usage.
- Calls: Select this checkbox to add usage call data to your report.
- SMS: Select this checkbox to add usage SMS data to your report.
- Phones & Devices: Receive reports of the phones and devices that are online or offline for the entire account or specific site.
- Hardware Phones & Devices: Select this checkbox to add hardware phones and devices to your report.
- Zoom Clients: Select this checkbox to add the Zoom client type to your report.
- SBCs: Receive reports of near real-time and historical data of your SBCs.
- Emergency Tracking: Receive reports of the overall emergency location tracking data for the entire account or specific site.
- (Optional) Click View Page to open the report you are subscribing to.
- Under Target, click the dropdown arrow
to click one of the following options:
- All: Run a report for all calls.
- Call Queues (Up to 10): Run reports for up to 10 call queues for call queue historical reports.
- Site: Run access report if you have sites.
- Department: Run a quality of service report for a department only, then enter the name of the department.
- Cost Center: Run a quality of service report for a cost center only, then enter the name of the cost center.
- Site (Up to 10): Run a quality of service report for up to 10 sites.
- Under Frequency, click the dropdown arrow
, then select:
- Monthly, then a date, to receive a report monthly on that date.
- Weekly, then a day, to receive a report weekly on that day.
- Daily, then Everyday, to receive a report every day.
- Under Time Frame, click the dropdown arrow
to select the time and time zone for the delivery. - Under Report Date/Time Range, click the dropdown menu, then select from the following options:
Note: Feature Entitlement and Membership Reports, Hardware Phones & Devices, and Emergency Tracking reports/dashboards have no report range.
- If you have a Daily subscription scheduling, select from the following option:
- Previous Day: Select the previous day's report date range within a specific time to receive the report/dashboard for specific shifting hours.
- (Optional) Select the All day checkbox to receive data for the entire previous day.
- If you do not select the All day checkbox, specify the time window on the data you want to receive.
- If you have a Weekly subscription scheduling, select from the following options:
- Last 7 days: Receive data from the previous 7 days for the report/dashboard.
- Last calendar week: Recieve data for the most recent calendar week on the report/dashboard.
- If you have a Monthly subscription scheduling, select from the following options:
- Last calendar month: Receive data for the most recent calendar month on the report/dashboard.
- Last 30 days: Receive data from the previous 30 days for the report/dashboard.
- Under Email Recipients, add the email addresses of users within your account that will receive the reports.
- You can only add 10 email recipients.
- You can add the email address of a recipient that isn't part of your account, however, there'll be no email confirmation sent to that email.
- Select You confirm that you are authorized to share the selected report(s) with the recipient(s) listed above.
- Under Active Status, enable the status of the subscription if it is disabled.
Active status will send a confirmation email to your recipients to let them know they’ve been added to the subscription list to receive reports. Make sure they confirm their email to be able to receive those reports. - Click Save
How to search or view the list of your subscriptions
You can view, and search the list of subscriptions you created.
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- In the navigation menu, click Account Management, then Subscription Center. You will see the following:
- A search box: Enter the name of the subscription you are looking for.
- A filter defaulted to Report or Dashboard (All) to list all of your report types. You can click the dropdown arrow
, to select Quality of Service, or Usage & Adoption to view a list of those report types only. - A filter defaulted to Target (All) to list all subscription targets. You can click the dropdown arrow
, to select Department, or Cost Center, to view the list of reports according to your selection only. - A filter defaulted to Active Status, to list all active subscriptions. You can click the dropdown arrow
to select Active or Inactive to list those subscriptions only. - Name: The name of your subscription.
- Report or Dashboard: List of the names of the reports and dashboard you are running.
- Target: The target of your subscription, department, cost center, or both.
- Frequency: Frequency of your subscription, day, week, or month.
- Email recipient: Emails of your subscription recipients.
- Active Status: Status of your subscription.
- (Optional) To the far right of the name of your subscription, click the more options icon
, then select the following:
- Delete: If you desire to delete that subscription.
- Duplicate: If you desire to duplicate that subscription.