Managing Zoom Phone asset library as an admin

Admins can add their company-approved audio content to the asset library. The asset library allows you to create from a text-to-speech, record from your computer, and upload audio files such as greetings, audio while connecting, and music on hold, to a centralized location. The library provides better management of those files by categorizing them when searching for a specific file. Admins can view, download, and use each file in the library, however, permissions should be explicitly granted for editing and deleting those files. Admin can also allow users to manage their own audio content.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for managing the asset library

Limitation of Zoom Phone asset library

Audio category list

How to add a text-to-speech audio asset

You can add or text audio by entering text to be converted to audio.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Asset Library.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Click the Text to speech tab.
  5. Specify the following:
  6. Click Add.
    If you're updating an asset that's already in use, you will see a pop-up notification that the asset is in use. Click Save to confirm the update.

How to upload an audio file

You can upload an existing audio file from your computer. The audio file type must be MP3 or WAV and must be less than 10MB.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Asset Library.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Click the Upload tab.
  5. Specify the following:
    1. Asset Name: Enter an internal display name for the audio asset.
    2. Category: Click the drop-down arrow to select the desired category(ies).
    3. Language: Click the drop-down arrow to select the desired language.
  6. Under Audio upload, click Upload.
  7. Click Add.

How to add an audio file recorded from your computer

You can use your computer’s microphone to record audio and then add it to the asset library.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Asset Library.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Click the Record by Computer tab.
    Note: You will be prompted by your browser to allow Zoom to use your microphone, click accept/allow to continue.
  5. Specify the following:
  6. Under Record Audio, use these options to control the recording:
  7. (Optional) Click one of these options after recording:

Click Add.
If you're updating an asset that's already in use, you will see a pop-up notification that lists where the asset is used. Click Save to confirm the update.

How to edit a text-to-speech, an uploaded, or a recorded computer audio asset

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Asset Library.
  3. To the right of the name of the asset, click the ellipse icon (), then click Edit.
  4. Make your necessary changes, then click Save.
    If you're updating an asset that's already in use, you will see a pop-up notification that lists where the asset is used. Click Save to confirm the update.
  5. (Optional) Save & Add Editor to save the file and add a member that can manage it by type.
    The member type you can select will be Admin, Group, or Role.

How to view the asset library

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Asset Library.
    You will see the following information:

How to duplicate, download, delete audio assets and manage editors

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Asset Library.
  3. To the right of the name of the asset, click the more icon  , then click one of the following:

How to migrate existing audio files to the public assets library for multiple sites

Existing audio files for accounts with multiple sites were moved to a Private tab in the library. When admins select an audio file as a default audio prompt, they can migrate these files to the Assets Library.

    1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
    2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management, then Company Info.
    3. Click the name of the site, then Settings.
    4. In the Audio Prompt section, click the drop-down arrow  to set the language for all default audio prompts under the site.
    5. To the right of Default Audio Prompt, click Manage to manage your audio files.
    6. To the right of the desired audio category, click Edit, then select Choose from Assets Library.
    7. In the Select an audio dialog box, click the Private Audios tab.
    8. To the right of an audio file, click the more options icon  , and select Move to Assets Library.
    9. In the Required Information dialog box, select a category and a language from the provided menus.
    10. Click Save.

How to allow users to manage their greeting and hold audio

You can follow the instructions to enable Personal Audio Library directly for a user or a desired level.