3rd-party services can develop Zoom Apps that are integrated in Zoom Team Chat, increasing your users productivity by sending or receiving information from other connected services. These Zoom Apps may send notifications from other services to alert you to changes, or information can be pushed from those services to users across the account.
To learn more about a specific Zoom App, visit the Zoom Marketplace.
After an app is installed or deployed by an admin, users can begin using the app in Zoom Team Chat. Keep in mind that these 3rd-party services will likely require an account for their services.
To learn more about a specific Zoom App, visit the Zoom Marketplace.
After an app is installed or deployed by an admin, users can begin using the app in Zoom Team Chat. Keep in mind that these 3rd-party services will likely require an account for their services.
For more information about a specific chatbot, visit the chatbot’s Zoom Marketplace page for developer documentation and help.