Routing based on queue data

Contact center admins can access different types of queue data to use for flow routing. For example, the number of agents, max wait time, or number of current engagements.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for routing based on queue data

How to route based on queue data

  1. Add the Condition widget to reference queue data and set conditions for routing.
  2. Select the Condition widget and customize these settings in the Settings tab:
  3. Click the Exit tab to set the exit settings.
    • Exit1, Exit 2, …: Click Add Exit to add more exit conditions, then change these settings.
      • Predicate Variable: Select the predicate variable that determines the relationship between the Variable in the Settings tab and the Value.
      • Value: Specify the value for the exit condition.
      • Name: Enter a display name for the exit condition.
      • Map Exit to Skill: Select or search for a skill category and skill to map to this exit to better match consumers to agents with the relevant skill. For example, if you're using the Condition widget to verify input from a CollectInput variable, you can define an exit for "Press 1 for English support" and map it to the English skill.
        Note: The skill category and skill must be added to the associated agent routing profile of the flow's queue.
      • Next Widget: Select the destination widget if the exit condition is met.
    • No Match: Select the destination widget if the exit condition isn’t met.

How to reference queue data using flow editor

You can reference and display queue data in the following widgets by enclosing the variable name in double curly brackets. For example, {{SupportQueue.variableName}}.
