Viewing the Zoom Contact Center queue interval report

The queue interval report provides a summary of activity metrics, organized by specified time intervals (15 minutes, 30 minutes, hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly). Using the True to Interval method, this report displays activity across all relevant intervals for each engagement, regardless of when the activity occurred within the engagement. Results are presented in a tabular format and can be exported as a CSV file. You can use this report to review the Service Level metric over hourly intervals for the past week, allowing you to identify specific hours when the metric may be underperforming.

The queue interval report is available for all channels (voice, video, messaging, and email).

Requirements for viewing the Zoom Contact Center queue interval report

Table of Contents

How to view the Zoom Contact Center queue interval report

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin or a call queue member.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Analytics & Reports.
  3. Click the Contact Center tab.
  4. In the Historical Reports section, click Interval Report.
  5. Click one of the tabs to view data for Voice, Video, Messaging (for web chat, in-app chat, SMS, WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger), or Email.
  6. Use the following options to filter or customize the data

Information in the queue interval report

Note: The report includes several metrics for each interval. For information on metrics included in the queue interval report, see the Zoom Contact Center metrics glossary.

How to understand the difference between engagement start and true to interval reporting

When running reports, the totals can vary depending on the reporting method you choose. The two primary methods, Engagement Start and True to Interval, present data in different ways, which can lead to differences in how engagement metrics are reported. Let’s use the example of an engagement that starts at 9:00 AM and ends at 11:15 AM to illustrate how these two methods work:

Note: If an engagement has multiple segments (for example, transfer, overflow, or callback), the engagement will appear multiple times in the interval report. For example, if an engagement contains a voice call and a callback, you will see two entries in the interval report:

This engagement still appears as one entry in the engagement log.