Viewing Zoom Contact Center SMS logs

SMS logs for Zoom Contact Center allow admins to view details on inbound and outbound SMS, such as the associated phone numbers, engagement, agents, and queue. 

Note: You shouldn't use SMS logs for viewing SMS usage charges. Use the activity report for SMS usage charges.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for viewing Zoom Contact Center SMS logs

How to view Zoom Contact Center SMS logs

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Logs.
  3. Click the SMS tab.
  4. Use the following options to filter data:
    • From / To: Specify the time period for the report.
    • Direction drop-down menu: Select Inbound or Outbound.
    • Search field: Enter keywords to search contact center users.
    • Country drop-down menu: Select a country to only display data for specific country. The usage rates depend on the country.
  5. (Optional) Click Export to export the data as a CSV file.

Information in Zoom Contact Center SMS logs