Using workspace Smart Suggestions

Workspace Smart Suggestions makes it easier for users to find a workspace to book, instead of manually looking through the reservation map to find an available spot.

When enabled, Workspace Reservation automatically recommends dates and desks for users to reserve a workspace. Zoom will display labels on the map to point out recommended desks. Recommended desks are generally based on the workspaces that the user frequently reserves and workspaces that are near others in the user's same department. Users can accept the recommendation or select a different date or workspace when they reserve a workspace in the web portal

This article covers:

Prerequisites for using workspace Smart Suggestions

How to use workspace Smart Suggestions

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Workspace Reservation.
  3. (Optional) Select a date and time range.
  4. Select what building and floor you want to reserve a workspace in.
    You can also search by workspace, room name, or user.
  5. (Optional) Click the contacts dropdown menu  and select who you want to base your suggestions on.
  6. On the floor map, click the Smart Suggestions button , then click one of the following options:
  7. Select and reserve the available desk recommendation.

Note: You can accept the recommended suggestion, click See more suggestions, or ignore the recommended suggestion and start a new search.

View and select Smart Suggestions

The workspace Smart Suggestions recommends days to come into the office when your frequent collaborators will be in the office, and it bases desk recommendations on starred contacts, frequent collaborators, departments, and entered teams.

Smart Suggestions also prioritizes days for you to come into the office based on your meetings. It recommends a date when you have meetings with other people who will be in the office.

Note: You can accept the recommended suggestion, click See more suggestions, or ignore the recommended suggestion and start a new search.

How to manage your frequent collaborators

When selecting a date for a workspace reservation, users can view when colleagues, who they frequently collaborate with, are in the office. Users can add and pre-populate a list of their frequent collaborators.

Additionally, when users select a date, a list of their starred contacts who will be in the office will appear. This helps users choose when to come into the office, based on the schedules of their colleagues.

Add contacts to your list of collaborators

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the left navigation menu, click Workspace Reservation.
  3. At the top of the page, click the contacts dropdown menu  and find My Collaborators.
  4. To the right of My Collaborators, click Add.
    An Add Collaborators pop-up window will appear.
  5. In the pop-up window, enter your frequent collaborators’ names.
  6. Click Save to add frequent collaborators.

Edit your list of collaborators

  1. After you add contacts to your list of collaborators, return to the floor map.
  2. At the top of the page, click the contacts dropdown menu  and find My Collaborators.
  3. To the right of My Collaborators, click Edit.
    An Edit Collaborators pop-up window will appear.
  4. In the pop-up window, click X by your frequent collaborators’ names to remove them.
  5. Click Save.