Viewing Zoom Contact Center recordings logs

Zoom Contact Center admins can manage all recordings from a centralized control center. You can select multiple recordings and mass delete recordings to free up storage space and meet their organization’s compliance and recording retention policies. You can also view recordings using the completed engagements tab in the Zoom desktop client.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for viewing recording logs

How to view recording logs

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Logs.
  3. Click the Recordings tab.
  4. Use the following options to filter data:
    • From / To: Specify the time period for the report.
      Note: If you're verifying usage charges, you can specify the same time as on your bill.
    • Direction drop-down menu: Select Inbound or Outbound.
    • Search field: Enter keywords to search by agents' name or number. You can also search by engagement ID.
    • Channel drop-down menu: Select one or more channels to only display data for specific channels. 
    • Queue drop-down menu: Select one of more queues to only display data for specific queues.
  5. (Optional) Click Export to export the currently-displayed data as a CSV file.
  6. (Optional) Click the gear icon   and select the information to display.

Information in recording logs

How to recover recently-deleted recordings

If your Zoom Contact Center admin enabled soft deletion, you can recover recently-deleted recordings.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Logs.
  3. Click the Recordings tab.
  4. In the top-right corner, click Recently Deleted.
  5. Locate the recording you want to recover, then click Restore.
    Note: To recover several recordings at once, select the checkboxes in the first column, then click Restore at the top of the table.
  6. Click Restore to confirm.
    The recording will be viewable in the main recordings logs.