Customizing the chat engagement window

Zoom Contact Center admins can use chat campaigns to customize the design of the chat engagement window for consumers. The chat engagement windows displays after consumers click the chat invitation CTA. You can customize the colors, header text, and welcome screen displayed to consumers.

The chat engagement window is responsive so that consumers can start chat engagements on mobile devices. They can also minimize or expand the chat engagement window.

Requirements for customizing the chat engagement window

Table of Contents

How to customize the chat engagement window

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Campaign Management.
  3. Click the display name of the chat campaign you want to customize.
  4. In the Engagement Window for Web Chat section, click Create Engagement Window or click Edit to customize an existing window configuration.
  5. Customize these settings, then click Save.

Design tab

Welcome Screen tab

Select Enable welcome screen to enable welcome screen for the chat engagement window, then customize these settings: