Setting up an address book variable

Contact center admins can set up address book variables, then link the attribute to address books so that all members of that address book have that attribute displayed in their address book details. You can also use these variables as consumer routing profile attributes to prioritize consumer with certain variable values.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for setting up an address book variable

How to create an address book variable

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Preferences.
  3. Click the Variables tab.
  4. In the left-side panel under Custom Variable Groups, select the custom variable group to create the custom variable in.
  5. Click Add Variable.
  6. Change the variable's settings. Make sure to set the following settings:
    • Variable Type: Select Address Book Variable. Click Add Address Book then select the address book units. The custom address book variable will appear as a field for contacts in the specified address book units.
    • Conditions: Select Values used as routing profile parameters
    • Data Type: Select String or Boolean.
    • Value: Click Add Value, specify the value to add, then click Add. Repeat this to add more values.
      Note: Select Used as default to set the variable as the default value.
  7. Click Add.

How to specify the value of an address book variable for a contact

After creating an address book variable, you will see this variable as a field in the specified address book units. You can then specify the value of this variable for a contact.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Address Books.
  3. In the left-side panel, select a previously-created unit then address book.
  4. Click the ellipses icon  then click Edit Contact.
  5. Scroll down to end of the contact fields to find the new field added from the custom address book variable. The field's name will match the variable name. For example, if you created a VIP custom address book variable, the new field will also be VIP.
  6. Follow of these options depending on if the variable's data type was set to String or Boolean:
    • String variable: Click the drop-down menu, then select the value.
    • Boolean variable: Select the check box to specify Yes, or unselect it to specify No.

How to add an address book variable as a consumer routing attribute

You can add an address book variable as a consumer routing attribute so that you can prioritize consumers with a specific address book variable. 

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Routing Profile.
  3. Click the Consumer tab.
  4. Click the display name of the routing profile you want to edit.
  5. Under Top Priority or Accumulating Priority, click Add Priority.
  6. Click the Attribute drop-down menu and select the custom address book variable you created
  7. Click the Parameters drop-down menus and select the attribute value and address book units that contain the custom address book variable.
    Note: You can only select address book units you added to the custom address book variable. See step 6 of the previous section for more details.
  8. Click Save.

Example: VIP variable with 4 values

Note: This section shows an example configuration and is not meant to be a complete configuration guide.

A VIP attribute contains String values of Gold, Silver, or Bronze (default) so that you can prioritize high-value customers. The custom address book variable has these settings in addition to the settings required for address book variables.

After setting up the VIP variable, you can mark important contacts/customers in an address book as Gold, Silver, or Bronze, with Gold being the most important. In turn, you can use a consumer routing attribute to prioritize consumers who are marked as Gold.