Authenticating Team Chat cloud storage with SharePoint

You can integrate Zoom Team Chat with Microsoft SharePoint to create files directly from a chat channel using the Office 365 suite, have it automatically uploaded to SharePoint, and click to co-author Office 365 documents. You can configure this integration by authenticating an account and enabling Zoom Team Chat cloud storage with SharePoint. You can also choose, re-authenticate, or remove the account that you want to be authenticated.

The existing file upload integration was limited to sharing files in meetings and in Zoom Team Chat, while this new integration allows for Microsoft SharePoint cloud storage to become the default file storage location for channel files. Both integrations can be enabled, however separate authentication for each integration is required at this time.

The article covers:

Prerequisites for storing chat files with Microsoft SharePoint

Limitations of the Zoom Team Chat integration with SharePoint

How to enable chat cloud storage with Microsoft SharePoint

Note: Before you can authenticate an account and enable cloud chat storage with Microsoft SharePoint, ensure that your admin has enabled the SharePoint cloud integration.

To enable chat cloud storage with SharePoint for your own use:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Profile.
  3. Under Others, by the SharePoint Cloud Integration section, click Sign in and Authenticate.
  4. Sign in to your Microsoft SharePoint account, then accept the third-party terms.
  5. Accept Zoom's confirmation of your account authentication.
    Under SharePoint Cloud Integration has been enabled on the settings page, your signed-in email will appear.

How to unlink your authenticated account

After you authenticate your account and enable chat cloud storage with Microsoft SharePoint, you can unlink your account.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Profile.
  3. Under Others, by the SharePoint Cloud Integration section, by your signed-in email, click Unlink Account.
    A confirmation window will appear.
  4. In the confirmation window, click Unlink to confirm.

After unlinking, you will need to re-authenticate to access stored files.

Re-authenticate authorization for Zoom Team Chat SharePoint cloud storage

After you unlink an existing account, you can re-authenticate to sign in with a different account.