Accessing your meeting history

Meeting history is one way to track your Zoom meeting usage. It allows you to keep a record of the meetings you have hosted and joined.

Depending on your account and user type, you can have in-depth history data to review how your organization is utilizing Zoom through dashboard and reporting.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for accessing your meeting history

How to access the history of meetings you have hosted

The previous meetings you have hosted are accessible to you as the host and to your Zoom account admin/s and owner.

To view the previous meetings you have hosted,

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Meetings, then Previous.
  3. (Optional) Use the Start Time to End Time fields to specify your preferred date range.

How to access the history of meetings you have joined

The previous meetings you have joined are only accessible via the Zoom client.

  1. From the Zoom client, click Join.
  2. In the Meeting ID field, click the drop-down arrow to expand the recent meetings.


How to access meeting history using Zoom reporting

You can access valuable data with Zoom reporting such as registration and polling results, usage reports and user activity reports.

These reports can be retrieved for the last 12 months, with a search range of up to one month at a time. 

Note: Meetings must be hosted by a paid account to create reports. Upgrading your account will not generate reports for meetings hosted before the upgrade. 

Account owners and admins can generate Active Host reports where they can view a list of active meetings, meeting minutes, and users during a specific time range—up to one month. It also allows you to view the details of any meeting held by a specific user and is useful for users who want to document attendance for compliance purposes.

If you have a Zoom phone activated on your account and looking to access your call history, you can use the Zoom client to view your call history, including missed and answered incoming calls and outgoing calls.