Configuring Zoom Room visibility in contacts

Creating contact groups for Zoom Rooms allows you to determine who can see the rooms in your organization's contact list. If there is a room, or set of rooms, that only certain users need to see listed in their contacts, then an administrator can configure the room(s) visibility on the Zoom web portal. 

Requirements for configuring Zoom Room visibility in contacts

Table of Contents

How to create a contact group for Zoom Rooms

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an administrator.
  2. Click User Management, then Contacts
  3. If the List all Zoom Rooms under ‘All Contacts’ option is checked , uncheck it.
  4. Click Select Zoom Rooms, and place a check next to the Zoom Rooms you want to include in the contact group.
  5. Enter a name for the group and click the drop down under Group Visibility.
    Choose the option that meets your visibility requirements:
  6. (Optional) If you clicked Specific Users or Zoom Rooms, use the Search users, groups, or Zoom Rooms window to add the desired users and rooms to the list.
  7. Click Continue to finish. 

How to edit or remove the Zoom Rooms contact group

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an administrator.
  2. Click User Management, then Contacts
  3. Click the ellipses to the right of the contact group you want to change, then click Edit or Remove
  4. (Optional) If you clicked Edit, you can change the Group Name, the Group Visibility settings, and the Group Members (if applicable). 
  5. Click Save to finish.