Setting up Zoom Phone alerts and notifications

As an admin, you can set up alerts and be notified when your IP phones go online or offline, or your BOYC route group status has changed. The Alerts & Notifications menu allows you to quickly have access to this information in one place. If you are using Power Pack, you can additionally set up alerts for your call queues and generate reports to review their severity.

For the call queue real-time analytics you can monitor specific KPIs directly from the dashboard.

Alerts and notifications can also be configured for Zoom Meetings and Webinars.

Requirements for using alerts and notifications

Table of Contents

How to add alerts and notifications

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as the owner or admin.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management, then Alerts & Notifications.
  3. Click the Zoom Phone tab.
  4. Click the Alerts tab.
  5. Click Add.
  6. In the Add an Alert page, complete the following sections:
  7. Click Save.


Complete the following information for the Rule section:


Complete the following information for the Notification section:

Active Status

Complete the following information for the Active Status section. By default, after creating an alert and notification, the status of the item is active and the toggle is blue.

How to edit an alert

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management, then Alerts & Notifications.
  3. Click the Zoom Phone tab.
  4. Click the Alerts tab.
  5. Click the alert name, then click Edit for the following:

How to delete an alert

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management, then Alerts & Notifications.
  3. Click the Zoom Phone tab.
  4. Click the Alerts tab.
  5. On the far right of the alert name, click the ellipsis , then click Delete.
    Alternatively, click on the alert name, scroll down to the bottom of the page, then click Delete.

How to review alert logs

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management, then Alerts & Notifications.
  3. Click the Zoom Phone tab.
  4. Click the Logs tab.
  5. Click the From and To boxes, to adjust the date for your review.
  6. In the search box, type the alert you are looking for.
  7. In the Rule box, click the dropdown arrow to select a rule. You can select from the following:
  8. In the Severity box, click the dropdown arrow to select a severity. You can select from the following:
  9. To the far right of an alert item, click Details, to view the details of alerts to start troubleshooting the issue.